The 100+-mile-long skyscraper/city "Noem" is already a financial disaster. Costs have ballooned up to $8.8 trillion, or 25 times the government's annual budget. The city was supposed to stretch from the coast to the mountains a hundred miles away. The city was Saudi Crown Prince bin Salman's idea. Prices at some of the yet-to-be opened hotel properties have quadrupled just to try to cover the cost to build this place. This is what happens when you put someone with a gigantic ego in charge. Who does that statement resemble? Who . . . ? Remind anyone of the Great Wall of Mexico that a certain president wants to build, but sane Congressmen have prevented up to now? Saudi Arabia's 100-Mile Skyscraper Is Turning Into a Disaster
The article is interesting but it leaves out one uber-critical piece of information, which will probably salvage the entire project: Jared Kushners investment fund. Jared will probably start delivering yuge returns on this fund -like no ones ever seen before!- insyead of generating fees only, and will save this project.
Sounds almost Biblical. 100 Mile resort of luxury where construction kills 10,000 foreign workers and is the failed work of a wealthy madman trying to honor himself.