billionaires and crypto kings need tax cuts and you need to lose some weight anyway I often wonder if he even knows what he is signing. Oh look, a billion. I like billions, can I sign that one first?? nutritious meals for poor students from locally sourced healthy sources are "no longer effectuates agency priorities". good to know, disgusting to hear Trump freezes $1 billion in food aid given to local schools and food banks to help low-income families The Department of Agriculture has slashed over $1 billion in funding aimed at helping schools and food banks purchase from local farmers, according to a nonprofit. “Multiple states” were recently notified of these cuts, the nonprofit School Nutrition Association said in a statement Tuesday. An estimated $660 million in funds through the Local Food for Schools program for 2025 will no longer be available to support childcare institutions and schools, the group added. The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education confirmed it received a notice of termination from the USDA on Friday of the second round of Local Food for Schools grant funding, an award of $12.2 million, claiming that they “determined this agreement no longer effectuates agency priorities and that termination of the award is appropriate,” the state’s governor Maura Healy said in a Monday statement.
What will obviously happen is that Trump will direct federal subsidies to compensate the farmers (those in red states, anyways) who lost sales due to this. Just like last time. So we'll end up paying the farmers (in red states) to not produce food, which will not go to those in need. But we'll pretty much end up paying anyways. Trump is brilliant.
Read that this program was started as a COVID program to help with supply chain issues. USDA Announces Availability of $1.13 Billion for Local Food Programs Conceived in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the LFPA, LFPA Plus, and LFS programs have invested over $1 billion into local food purchases to date. Through the LFPA programs, USDA has provided $900 million in funding to 50 states, the District of Columbia, four territories, and 84 Tribal governments, sourcing foods from over 8,000 local producers, with more than 5,000 identified as underserved. This wholesome food has gone to 7,900 food banks, food pantries, and communities across America. Additionally, LFS has awarded up to $200 million for states and territories to purchase domestic, local foods for use in their National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs. These collaborations between the states, school systems, and local producers have established many new supply-chain partnerships, and enabled states to re-envision the school meal and what it can do for both students and local, small, and underserved farmers. Together, the LFPA and LFS programs have strengthened food systems, expanded local and regional markets, and are helping to build a fair, competitive, and resilient food supply chain.
Why are we spending our hard-earned tax dollars for kids to eat? If they need money they need to pick themselves up and go to work
and support local farmers to encourage local supply chains growing fresh local produce. how is a corporate farmer supposed to profit with competition like that
Those who wretched about test scores didn't account for factors like hunger and poverty. Can they consider it now?
lazy kids don’t even have boots to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Too busy wearing sandals and crocs and other socialist footwear.
I’ve said this before, but owning the Libbies ain’t cheap. They’ve got to find the funds to secure to own from somewhere…
There’s at least as many rich liberals as rich conservatives. Ever heard of Hollywood for example? Somehow they’re “elitists” while simultaneously wanting to take care of the poor. Some people just see the world in absolutes.
I’m not sure what your point is here, and I’m not trying to quibble, but I agree that many wealthy people also are charitable and empathetic.
It strikes me how many conservatives talk about families and the need to encourage Americans to have children - while at the same time they (or at least others on the right) are pushing policies that are going to make it more financially challenging for people to support a family. I understand that neither side is monolithic, and perhaps there is a split between cultural conservatives and the Barstool/tech bros, but if that internal debate is happening, I'm not seeing stories about it.
that was part of my point. Not all wealthy people are Republicans and not all poor people are liberal. In fact, often the reverse is true. Helping poor children should be a humane decision, and if it's 0.0037% of the national GDP, it should be a very easy decision. Heck, it's less than half of one percent of the individual wealth of the guy cutting the program. It's not ideal when sociopaths are put in charge of these kinds of humane decisions.