Over the past six to seven months, there has been two to three websites out there that put out overly negative and unexplainable headlines regarding the Gators. Almost like, "the sky is falling"... "What are the Gators going to do", etc, etc. It's sickening and it has become repetitive. I realize that they are sesationalizing for click baits...but it has gotten ridiculous. What do you guys think of this? The article lists McClain at 235 lbs and just seems to ramble! [CLICKBAIT -- EDITED-OUT] (This is just ONE example and there are other websites as well.)
I changed the title and edited-out the clickbait link. That's the explanation DeBigLeezard. Clickbait and AI composed articles for the clickbait sites, IMO.
What's worse are the headlines saying some stud just flipped to the Gator's from Alabama, Tennessee, etc. They are just clickbait and you shouldn't bother to click on the article.
Whenever I see questionable Gator news floating around I just come here and look. If it’s not here or in awesome recruiting I assume it’s fake and no need to click on anything.
This is extremely accurate. Most of that crap is on FB and I don't believe a word of it, don't even click on the post. Because news that is that big, would not be relegated to some nuisance post on a facebook feed.
Yeah, I tend to take world shattering news coming from some unwashed momo in a basement somewhere in central FL with a considerable grain of salt.
I think these are AI generated by AI prompts, lol. The basement guy is more credible, and that's saying something.
Thanks ET... I figured as much. It's just that these articles are so blatantly biased, twisted and simply don't hold any credibility!
If you don’t click on them you won’t get as many. I click on my share especially around signing days but go to reliable sights. You may get the info a minute later but you are better off.
I almost never click a link on a forum. If I see an interesting title, I usually google it. I did click the rg3 link with DJ the other day and found it to be a worthwhile watch. Not your typical podcast with a couple assholes that tell you they know a bunch of stuff without actually telling you anything other than their bloviated opinions.