Again? LOL! I don’t think they would take a woman in her 70’s, but my old man was a decorated warrior.
PITBOSS gave me bacon? On what planet would anyone think a woman in her 70’s would be allowed in combat?
Your age affords you the luxury of urging younger people across the ocean to your deaths. And you can’t turn this on me. I’m not the one thirsting and drooling over death.
What branch of the military did Musk serve in? Disagree with Kelly on policy all you want, but Kelly is no traitor. Perhaps Musk et al should invest in a mirror and stop sucking up to Putin.
Yes you are as you’re the one applauding Russia who is responsible for death, rape, destruction, kidnapping, stealing, of another’s country’s people and property. SMDH
Watch me. I’m not urging any young person to cross any ocean to die. It’s the cowards who urge countries to give up their freedom and surrender. MAGA surrender monkeys.
Wow, Musk calling Kelly a traitor. Wonder how the military feels about that. Kelly is my hope for the dems right now. Whitmer as VP. Mayor Pete number 2. Dems had such better options than Biden or Harris.
Oh how the thread changed since the first 100 pages which saw 100% support for Ukraine and total unity on hating Putin...all those blue and yellow shirts and people recognizing Putin as a destructive, horrible, and evil murderer...We were appalled with an invasion, bombing of churches, children's hospitals, dam explosions and flooding and old people getting shot on their bicycles searching for food. Now we have an alternative narrative presented by an administration not really wanting to end a war as much as keeping the puppet master happy for the puppet and the brain washing begins on the network of false information (see $787,000,000 settlement and commentary by Hannity, Carlson and Murdoch himself). Now Putin is just a great person, Russia has great grocery stores and even their economy is great (compared to ours lately it might actually be). One thing is for's more than a pee pee tape that makes the puppet the subservient cuck...there is something exponentially worse and America, our allies and our planet is paying a significant price for it.
Sad to say if you want to get "that" vote and as much as I hate to say it they need to run a white male presidential and vp combo. It's that certain demographic that will never vote for anyone female or non caucasian that is becoming the deciding factor.
The MAGA ones don't care. They have no patriotism, integrity or morality left. They voted for the only sitting POTUS in US history to attempt to not peacefully transfer power after an election. Via a criminal conspiracy at that. ^ Yes!
Ukraine killed an American journalist. They attack Elon Musk's business. They might have had a part in the attempted assassination of Trump on a golf course. They killed a Russian journalist who was on the Myrotvorets hit list. Also on the list: Scott Ritter, Tulsi Gabbatd and Jack Posobiec. Ukraine is a dictatorship with a neo-nazi component. Russia has a democratically elected president who enjoys widespread public support.