We 100% harmed young healthy people with a shot they did not need. You can argue at the beginning due to the fear campaign those 65 and older with comorbidities should take a new drug. And when alpha was prevalent as they ran the trials there was likely some marginal benefit for the elderly. The problem is delta was dominant by the time the rolled out the shot (likely politics involved with the election going on). Still would not have made a major difference. These drugs should have never been authorized for anyone under 65. Just based on basic medicine and science. As we knew what groups were at risk and we did not know the long term risk. I said it in real time. And it is becoming reality…. https://jme.bmj.com/content/50/2/126 Just wait. I said it back on the original Covid thread if memory serves me right (definitely to those I am close to)…you will need to let your doctor know if you took the shot in the future so they can properly care for you. We harmed young people for no reason. It was evil!
As there is no scientific evidence for viruses the follow terms and concepts are meaningless …. Specific Antibodies Immunity Herd Immunity Cases R0 Vaccine Efficacy
Wear two just in case. And swallow your male pride and pee sitting down until we tell you it’s okay to pee standing up.
So you have no idea the basic functionality difference between mRNA vaccines and traditional vaccines, but we're supposed to take your opinion as an expert one? That's ridiculous! And your last link? It dealt with booster only, at a time when Omicron took over, and the booster wasn't very effective against that strain. But look at studies that dealt with original vaccine? All, like this one, conclude the benefits far outweigh any risks.
Well thank you for sharing that article. However, you should go deeper, for instance, here is a response to that article and published in the same journal Wayback Machine, which rebuts the authors five conclusions. They conclude the following: More importantly, I think you've tried to make a narrow case for the risk to benefit of the vaccine by focusing down on 18 - 29 year old male college students. As noted in the response, an accurate analysis finds even this narrow focus is supportive of the vaccine. The vaccines have been incredibly successful in preventing hospitalizations and death in the population, which is responsible for the deaths of ~0.3% of the US population.
If you want to risk harming your kids for no reason. Go for it. I really hope you are not still doing it!
I am a healthy healthy 44 year old male. At the same time I have a family history for heart disease. And with our antiquated system we are living in the past. My lipoprotein A Lp(A) is off the charts. Not much I can do about it (niacin helps a little/they actually have a drug in early clinical trials that is showing amazing results). Most people have no clue about their Lp(A) because we live in the past and are not trying to figure out the cause of disease. Causing unnecessary inflammation to me would just be stupid. But that is what the idiots at the cdc did with their one size fits all fear campaign. Go look at the numbers. We knew from the very beginning that the elderly with comirbidities were at risk and most were not. And if you were younger 100% diabetes and being overweight were the issue. But we decided to kick basic medicine and science to the curb and tell every single person to take a new drug regardless of risk. A drug that puts the body to work (inflammation). It was the antithesis of science and medicine. We harmed millions for no reason. I am confident you have stopped taking your boosters? Otherwise you are part of a very small minority…
It is pathetic to jab a child with the covid shot! It’s actually evil and wrong. ***I can understand how some parents have been propagandized into doing so*** Granted in 2025 if you are a college educated parent it gets tough. But…
Knows nothing about how vaccines work. Believes himself to be an expert and asks silly questions with zero knowledge. Case in point. COVID infection caused inflammation too. Scroll down to the section about your own antibodies and the inflammation was caused by your own immune response going haywire to certain cells being killed off. This same inflammation effect can occur with the vaccine, but it's much more rare than with infection, and often much less severe. The infection can last for days and you're dealing with millions of viruses. Vaccine leaves the body within 12 hours and you're only dealing with one mRNA strand. In every study, the benefits of the vaccine outweighed the risks. Even for so called experts who can't even answer a simple question about how vaccines work.
You want to take a shot for no reason by all means. I really do hope you have stopped jabbing your kids with it though…
It’s all pretty transparent, not only a measles outbreak, it’s an “unprecedented outbreaks” with rash and fever being only the first signs … then their legs fall off …
You keep spouting your vaccine ignorance. It suits you. I will keep listening to the experts, who know a lot more than me. Like the Canadian Health Admin, who suggest starting the vaccine at 6 months. Buy hey. Why listen to top experts from a country of 40 million when I have the foremost vaccine expert Dental Front Office Manager right here!
Listen to who you wish. That said...I really do hope you are not jabbing your kids for covid still. There definitely still some idiots still out there in public health making stupid recommendations.
Yep. Doctors with years of schooling and medical practice are idiots. But those with no medical training and working at a dentist office? Geniuses when it comes to vaccines!