I am curious as to weather the lack of sleep, poor diet, and stress is coming to the surface showing themselves physically. First we see his eyes that look more and more like a channel catfish, and his inability to read a letter from King Charles indicating vision problems. Then we see the sores on his palms with no explanation. The bruise on the back of his hands. Finally the video of him keeping his balance getting out of a golf cart. My first thoughts were these are the symptoms of late stage syphillis, but not being a medical professional I have no idea.
True but those aren’t aging sores because aging doesn’t cause those kinds of sores. Those look like syphillis sores. Syphillis sores
There are numerous issues that can cause lesions that look just like those in the picture. Furthermore the sores associated with tertiary syphilis don’t look like that. Syphilis is easy to diagnose and treat early on. In 27 years to practicing medicine I’ve seen one case of tertiary Syphilis. That’s what happens left untreated and what James Carville was trying to suggest.
Not unheard of for Trump to put in 2 all- nighters in a row with absolutely no sleep and then go on morning television. Or do a campaign rally then land at Palm Beach International at 3:00 am and hit the golf course at 8:30 am to play with his granddaughter Kai. Kai says after a busy day her grandpa will return her phone calls around midnight. Trump goes to bed around that time and gets up at 4 am. Trump should lose some weight but he's doing well for being 78 yo. Still beats Kai on the golf course (and she beats him). Kai has a handicap of 0.0. Trump recently shot a 68 in a tournament. Hit a drive to 4 feet and sunk the putt for eagle when playing with Bryson DeChambeau. Might be the hardest working president we've had.
what your post tells me is that you have never endured doing hard work with you hands and gotten a blister and are just looking for some way to insult the current President
He’ll probably croak at some point during his term, don’t see him making it all 4 years. MAGA will refuse to accept the reality that an old fat guy with a terrible diet croaked of natural causes, and will immediately go into their usual conspiracy theory mode and start blaming libs, the Deep State, Biden, the Clintons, Obama, the media, the FBI, the CIA, Trump’s doctors etc
According to the social security actuarial tables there is a 40% chance Trump will die in office of natural causes. It would be a 25% chance if he were not obese which adds a 1.3 multiplier to the rate. Actuarial Life Table
At last check, skinny people die sooner than fat people wherein fat appears afford a protective effect. Morbidly obese people do die sooner, but underweight is the shortest lived category.
I always wear gloves but when I was younger I developed calluses. The only people I know that get blisters are people who have never worked with their hands before, and I seriously doubt Trump has been wielding an ax pretending he’s a lumberjack. He has health problems.
Maybe and definitely the "hard work" as Bill suggested. Here is Trump driving on the green and then walking 8 feet to his ball. It was an uphill lie though.
It’s taken quite a long time, but (some) scientists are discovering that correlation is not causation … Science of Fat in Context — EDI Bonus: in one compilation of CDC studies female non-smokers just outside the severe obesity category lived the longest.
And then there’s the unexplained periodic eye dilated. Possible drug addiction? Body Language & Emotional Intelligence: Body Language and Medical Analysis No. 4221: Why are Donald Trump's Pupils So Dilated? - Nonverbal and Emotional Intelligence (PHOTOS)