Gonna lose another 10-15k seats. It's supposed to be nice, but from all descriptions it is going to take a big hit re home field advantage.
They, im not sure who they is, need to keep four conferences and stay competitive in all four. There were playoff games won by conferences other than the sec or big. If that doesnt happen and two super conferences evolve, the sec needs to get the best teams and keep the talent advantage. Nfl draft says sec is much better and it needs to stay tgat way if they want the best tv contracts. Unfortunately it always comes down to money and noone is ever interested in watching losses. Teams like Vandy are financially capable of competing but choose not to and just cash the check. Splitting money by getting what you earn is coming because you cant compete otherwise. Billionaire boosters can rig this system easily as i guess they already have. They can set some financial parameters if the players are employed and under contract but theres no way they could ever have a draft with students only winning two games probably skews that a little bit. Is that an average over the last decade or so or even two or three decades?
Personally, I have not visited that dump since 86. It was the Bell to Nattiel in the rain game. Some (hopefully drunk) Nole fan punched one of the guys I was with from behind. But I did notice a few years ago that if you look closely when the opposing team comes out onto the field you can still see all of the old chain link fence and urine colored erector set beams that is the structure of that place. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at the beautiful tv images of the outside of that shithole.
No better place to be when we win.....been to every UF game there since 1969. Was in the middle of the alumni section for that 86 game, Sammie Smith almost put them over the top but we somehow found a way. Was a great night