American Beauty. Best take on the afterlife I've seen. And it makes sense when you consider that energy never goes away, it just takes a different form, and that "last memory" is just combination of electrical impulses in your brain. Thus, IMO, you "go" where you want or think you will go. If that final (and potentially eternal) last thought is racked with guilt, that would pretty much be Hell would it not?
A little off topic but I have always wondered when the guillotine is used, does the severed head have any length of time of consciousness?
I've always wondered .... if, after a person's death, there is no recollection of the experience at the time of death by the dead person ..... does the manner in which that person died really matter to that dead person? I understand it may have an extreme impact on surviving relatives and friends of the deceased.
Estimates are anywhere from 3 seconds to 30 seconds of consciousness. There are historical notes of people trying to talk.
I think the form of execution is intended to affect both the wider populace and the prisoner while they are alive, not for any immediate consciousness they may have before “lights out.”
Even if consciousness is separate from the body, there is no experience without a body, including the awareness of thoughts coming from the brain. The energy of the body form is transferred in a multitude of ways..
IDK, dude. I just thought that was in interesting take, memories that unfold and (as far as you're concerned) last forever.
“faith” to not believe in an afterlife there is no proof of? If I was to believe something, it would be that everything is one “life”, and that all forms come and go as part of the oneness, with various degrees of consciousness, with humans being one of the few species that can experience it individually due to our brain makeup. In that scenario, you don’t need to worry about there not being the afterlife of religion, because there is no experience of non consciousness, just form coming and going.