just an FYI since Pres Trump has signed so many 5 Facts About Executive Orders That May Surprise You | Woods Rogers 2. Executive orders are not laws but carry the force of law. The Constitution gives Congress the power to enact laws—but not the president. While executive orders do not make law, they carry the force of federal law. Sequentially numbered, they are published in the Federal Register (a daily journal that informs the public about federal regulations and actions) and codified in Title 3 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (a formal collection of rules and regulations issued by the executive branch and federal agencies). 4. Executive orders do not require congressional approval. Presidents do not require congressional approval to issue executive orders, nor does the legislature have the authority to overturn them. Only a sitting president may overturn an existing executive order by issuing another EO to rescind it. Congress may invalidate an executive order through legislation, but the President retains veto power. To override a presidential veto, Congress needs a two-thirds “supermajority” vote—a rare occurrence. Congress can use its power of the purse to make implementation of an executive order difficult. It can refuse to provide funding necessary to carry out certain policy measures, essentially cutting off the EO at its knees.
Trump’s average is around 55 / year, but growing. The number is not the story, it’s the context of the impact. FDR is the king of executive orders — wartime orders and depression are probably the most needed. This is a nothing burger. U.S. Presidents: number of executive orders signed 1789-2025 | Statista
It’s apparent Trump is doing this EO Gish gallop because he needs some wins that he’ll never get through legislation. Soooo when will we start seeing some legislation?
It should be noted that using executive orders is reserved for super important things like trying to change the names of bodies of water
FYI: Executive Orders cannot be used by the President to supersede acts of Congress. While the President can use an EO to address an issue not specifically addressed by a law he (or in the future she) cannot legally circumvent Congress through an EO. SCOTUS is going to address the issue of impoundment (the refusal of the President to spend funds already appropriated by Congress) again and my guess is that they will once again hold most likely by a 5-4 margin that impoundment exceeds the Constitutional authority of the President.
Virginia, I surmise u are probably correct- but atleast the huge waste is being exposed and maybe Congress will act (I am not hopeful)
The nearly 50-50 split in Congress is partially responsible for the increase in EOs from Presidents on both sides of the aisle. Congress can't get anything passed quickly. When half of the Congress won't even stand up to honor a cancer survivor you can see how hard it is to pass anything.
what huge waste is being exposed? I’m sure most here agree there are inefficiencies in gov. But what are his executive orders exposing? Plastic straws? It’s no longer PC for our defense dept to discuss “enola gay”? Please don’t post “musk says….”
100%. Half of Congress wouldn’t stand for “Respect — respect free and fair elections, restore trust in our institutions, and make clear political violence has absolutely no place — no place in America. Zero place.”
Obama and the Democrats had all three branches and a super majority in the Senate in 2008. They knew that there was a border crisis, social security is going bankrupt and our deficit was massive. They did not need a single Republican vote yet chose to do nothing. They chose to add more people to our health system without reforming it and celebrating sodomy with pretty lights on the White House. The Republicans, while not having sixty senators, have had enough votes that they could have could have passed legislation with the help of moderate Democrats. Tax cuts are popular but they don't ameliorate our most important issues. I originally thought Trump was an abberation but if you think about it we have chosen nonserious leaders for at least the last fifty years.
I have long thought they should need 50% of each party to pass anything. Maybe enough sane people could band together on moderation.