Aren’t you a member of the gaggle who’ve been screaming such as, “Putin is an unhinged madman sitting atop the world’s largest nuclear arsenal! Push! Push!! PUSH!!!” ???
Maybe you are just confused as to what you perceive the understanding to be from Hollywood? His observations are not remotely surprising other than both simultaneously speculating about conspiracy theories about whether the bomb actually existed. The main debate in nuclear weapons impacts seems to be climate related (what happens when radiation is in the atmosphere) and that is because modeling has not yet conquered the complexities of our environment.
If we know that nukes spread fallout, per pop science, explain why Hiroshima began building, almost immediately, and with no long term health effects. Explain it to me like I’ve had all my Covid shots and boosters.
Head down to the Marshall Islands and tell them your takes on nuclear radiation. I'm sure they will be interested
I’m still waiting to sit with a person who has “full blown Covid” per the popular early date on this forum. So I’m still lining things up.
All I know is my Grandad was a missionary after the war. He went back to Japan to help the people. He said the effects were devastating both physically and mentally. And he wasn’t even in the epicenter. It was closer to Tokyo. He stayed a number of years. My Mom was actually born there.
Yes, the destructive effects of the detonation were obviously devastating as were the effects of the firebombings. Bombs are real.
People get angry when you question narratives. To hammer the point home, for all the bomb’s destructive force, fallout was scarcely an issue.
The bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were air bursts. The fireballs didn't touch the ground or the water. There was little residual radiation and fallout. Compare to all of the tests in the Pacific which were ground and underwater bursts and it makes a hell of a difference. It would have been necessary to evacuate all survivors from the cities for decades if those bombs had exploded on the ground because the fireballs would have left a smoking crater loaded with the same radioactivity that the fallout carried away. I would venture a guess that sea life did not fare so well after the Operation Crossroads underwater test because the floor of the ocean there would have been blasted with radiation.
Nobody said that people (and marine life) weren’t annihilated by radiation blast. There was a widespread fear of far ranging fallout that thankfully did not occur.
Has to get in line behind the early dare, “Oh yeah ? Why don’t you go visit a patient in a Covid ward ?”