what the hell is the matter with these lib media ID 10 T's Maddow is so full of hate - she is totally despicable Dad of Teen Cancer Survivor Whom Trump Honored Blasts Maddow
The irony from a Trump supporter. Theodis Daniel said, “She needs to shut her mouth if she has nothing nice to say,”....
Trump essentially used DJ Daniel as a prop. Even more significant is that there is a high probability that the treatment that enabled DJ to survive the cancer was attributable to research conducted or funded by the NIH, the same type of research from which Trump and co-President Musk will be withholding funding.
If any president brought a young cancer survivor to a speech like that, he’d have some on the other side of the aisle criticizing him. That said, I agree with the dad.
You don’t think it was ironic that Trump was using a cancer survivor as a prop while he was literally cutting cancer research funds? In reality he could have used the boy as an example of a victory in our fight against cancer but that’s a Biden victory, so…
I neither watch RM nor read Breitbart. I am going to go ahead and cast doubt on "mocking." I almost guarantee she didn't mock that kid. Or did she? What was the mocking?
These people like Maddow on the right and left.....we let them have too much control over our lives. They say crap solely for the purpose of getting a reaction and we give it to them. We're pissed at each other a lot of the time because of the stuff these people spew
hopefully not much longer Trump calls for MSNBC to oust top hosts for ghastly remarks about young cancer survivor · American Wire News
I guess this means Trump is going to deport himself too? I would use the term "impeach" if he were a real President.
Trump used the boy as a prop for political points while he actively is defunding the cancer research he needs to fight said cancer. Trump can go screw himself. And yes, the left should have stood and clapped for the kid because in the moment it’s not about that.
Yes all journalists Trump does not like should be fired. Then perhaps put on trial, locked up, or executed, right? Btw, not a fan of Maddow.