Double take: Holy shit. You think Ahmaud Arbery attacked three men? Your take about Dems is bogus too. Floyd murder was not a political issue. Y'all insist on pretending it was, though.
Let's try to put this in Trumpy terms. Maybe you will understand. What do you think would happen if a bomb dropped on your head?
Hopefully mass riots against a corrupt government, commie. Do you big gov lovers ever take the side of the people?
One of the dumbest things they could do is start poking at this open wound. As if racism here isn't bad enough. Purposely igniting tensions by choosing to re-litigate a case that has video evidence would be bonkers
Trump has no pardon power over state crimes. What incentive would the state of Minnesota have to pardon him? Is Musk going to block federal funds going to the state?
PolitiFact | Evidence shows George Floyd’s death was not the result of a fentanyl overdose He wasn't beaten to death. Nor am I sticking up for him just pointing out the facts that you must have overlooked The Hennepin County chief medical examiner, Andew Baker, ruled that the cause of Floyd’s death was homicide, due to "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression," meaning that Floyd’s heart stopped as Chauvin restrained him. Another independent autopsy, ordered by Floyd’s family, ruled the death a homicide by asphyxiation, or suffocation. The medical examiner found high levels of fentanyl in his system. But Baker and other experts in toxicology, cardiology and drug use stated that death by overdose was unlikely or impossible. Chauvin was convicted of second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter.
The lunacy by our local libbies has been taken to a new level, you guys need some serious help with all your hate and anger. If we don't agree with you then you blatantly lie and call us racist along with other BS. You pawns what make it the full 4 years
What do you think would have happened if the 3 racist white dudes had just minded their business and let the police handle it? They wouldn’t be rotting in prison right now.
I don't blame you for wanting to leave that part out. Nor the part where he attacked the guy with the gun that ended up killing him.
No more jogging through people’s houses because 3 racist white dudes (who were likely MAGA) decided to kill him.
If they intended to kill him, why didn't they just do it? They had plenty of opportunity. Why did they wait until he physically attacked? Let's be honest what happened. Arbery was snooping thru their neighborhood. Three goobers decided to grab their guns and chase him. He attacked them and got shot. Just another story of stupid people being in the same place at the same time. But wait, there's a racial angle the democrats and their media can exploit. Boom!
3 racist white dudes decided to “Make America Great Again” by hopping in their pickup trucks, chasing a black guy down the street, hitting him with their car, shooting him dead and calling him the n-word as he bled out. Typical behavior from that contingent.
We get it. Anyone that voted Republican must be MAGA. Anyone that’s MAGA must be racist. Maybe 10-12 more posts about it will confirm that belief in others?
The poster who keeps misrepresenting the incident clearly doesn’t. I’ll continue reminding him what happened until he gets it, though.