A real estate expert says that he expects U.S. homes to lose a total of $1.5 trillion in value in the next 30 years, due to the effects of global warming (hurricanes, wildfires, etc.). Turns out that Trump's policies ("Drill, baby, drill") as well as other presidents' unwillingness to take GW seriously (and the inability of the American people to understand the effects of GW) is causing the problem. Expert makes staggering prediction about major change in US home values: 'It is a measurable force'
This thread is clueless in so many ways that it might stick around for a while as MAGA schools Democrats on science, economics and how to think in a rational manner. For example: Elon Musk is trying to save America more than $2T per year by cutting gov't spending. Democrats are trying to stop him as they support waste, fraud and abuse. The $1.5T GW cost over 30 years is trivial and it's a number pulled out of somebody's ass. For example, GW should decrease the number of hurricanes and thus the damage caused by hurricanes over time. GW warms temperatures more in the northern latitudes than in the southern latitudes. When the temperature differential between northern and southern latitudes decreases there are fewer hurricanes. Elon is one of the few people on earth that could solve global warming by finding a technological solution. Such as partially blocking the sun from space. To come up with and implement a technological solution you need a strong exonomy. Democrat GW solutions would weaken our economy and accomplish next to nothing. Democrats tried to blame the LA fires on GW. Half of LA fires are caused by meth heads who are attracted to LA and running rampant because of Democrat politicians and policies.. LA-type fire conditions are cyclical and have been predictable occuring for 20 million years. The temperature of the planet changes in a predictable way. The orbit of the earth becomes more elliptical and then more circular over thousands of years. The tilt of Earth's axis of rotation oscillates over thousands of years. The temperature of the sun changes over time, increasing and then decreasing. Presently the planet is coming out of an ice age. Temperatures would be rising without the presence of humans. Obviously CO² from people add to the temp rise. The climate effects from presidential policies are trivial. What do Democrats really want? They want to take trivial amounts of money to create GW NGO's that will take in billions of dollars to line their pockets while supposedly fighting climate change. It's a huge scam but MAGA, Trump and Elon are on to it.
John Kerry in 2009: In 5 Years, the Arctic Will Be ‘Ice-Free’ ……..were really up to state of the art with respect to the science on global climate change. You have sea ice which is melting at a rate that the Arctic Ocean now increasingly is exposed. In five years, scientists predict we will have the first ice-free Arctic summer
In two years…10 million democrats will become paralyzed from excessive stress and anxiety. How do you guys get out of bed every morning? Jeez.
all a straw man. Nobody is debating the globe warms and cools. The difference is the proposed solutions. And yes when climate czars predict over and over the catastrophic results like the arctic will be ice free by 2013 and it’s doesn’t happen…..again……well yes I’ll chose to ignore… and yes i am also fully aware that global cooling. Err…. Global warming ….err climate change is full fledged religion to you and akin to telling a Christian Jesus isn’t real. John Kerry in 2009: In 5 Years, the Arctic Will Be ‘Ice-Free’
Article seems like propaganda. Two reasons: 1. The gentleman is acclaimed an "expert" and it further claims he predicted the sub-prime crisis; but, there's no support for either. Maybe he is; but, when you lead with it better have the backup. 2. Toward the end of the article, quoting: "The report found that insurance costs are expected to spike by 25% over the next three decades because of the underpricing of risk and the increasing likelihood and severity of extreme weather events." Really? A 25% increase OVER THREE DECADES is a SPIKE? More like a fumble....that's effectively less than 1% increase per year. WOW - 100% of all my clients would readily accept that "spike" of 1%. Finally, the issue is not simply if the earth is warming...it is; or, if humans are contributing to the warming...we likely are - the issue is Are we better off continuing to use fossil fuels for the next 50 years while exploring other energy options or are we better off living without air conditioning, ICE powered autos, etc. in order to "save the world"? Most of this comes from wealthy Western populations who "have theirs" and now want to limit the growing 3rd world economy of Asia/Africa from enjoying the fruits of fossil fuels. sorry - I have more to write but I must catch my private jet plane to get a good table at the best restaurant in Aruba before I fly back tomorrow to lecture others on their conspicuous consumption. Signed, Global Warming Elitist
This is what it feels like to the liberals when they see discussions of CRT, transgenders, or cancel culture. Each side has their own bugaboos.
Given the kind of people and development that's been moving in here the last 10 years or so, I'm looking forward to it. Unfortunately, the people I hate most (Miami Developers) will completely skate on any repercussions and leave the simps holding the bag.
Nah. They'll be just like you are now, following their idiot (and in this case leftist) leader. Have fun with that!
You are mostly correct as usual. Generally speaking Dems seem to worry and complain more, possibly due to higher education and intelligence. Who knows. I’m not aiming my shots at people like you though Rade.
Let's not forget that Donald Trump while referring to global climate change as a hoax built a seawall to protect his golf course in Ireland from a rising sea level. Trump Resort in Ireland Will Build Seawalls to Protect Against Climate Change