Interesting. Not what I was looking for with most of the changes. Big guys getting bigger and small guys getting smaller... Slaughter 294lbs- really?!? Like Westphal gaining 15lbs and Cormani getting up to 182lbs.
Usually not good weight if an already huge lineman adds 30. Maybe Slaughter hasn't been lifting and lost some muscle, which he will add back? Cormani is at a solid playing weight. That's good.
I would have guessed Slaughterr would have been 20lbs heavier than 294lbs. We'll see how it plays out. I think George was bigger than 340lbs last year. Maybe 370lbs was close to what he weighed last year?!? Wilson at 189lbs is a good weight, too. I like him there.
Say hello to Mr. Shivers. He shouldn't be Watson 2.0. He seems to be more athletic and has a better build.
I question if any of those numbers are real. Last year after off-season workouts George was listed about the same and he was magically 20 lbs lighter at the end of Spring drills. I know its easier to lose a lot of weight fast when you have a lot to lose, but I somehow doubt he had a 20 lb. weight loss in just a few weeks. In his case at least, I don't think it mattered. He was effective at Guard at whatever weight he played at in 2024. Waites weight gain is no bueno, but anytime we see him on the field its no bueno. Hopefully some of the underclassmen will continue taking his minutes as back-ups.
But man, 399, really? That just seems too large. I guess we will know from the Spring game if they can move. Plenty of time to reduce the baggage I suppose.
He moved plenty well in high school. Running away from guys 1/3 his size. His weight doesn’t look anything like Watson’s.
It makes me wonder if others backed off him because of that or another concern that he fell to us and was ranked lower. Otherwise his physique without the added weight would be a wrecking ball every team would want.
It struck me as odd that he decommitted(?) then recommitted, as if he thought he might get a better offer. Yes, it's quite a bit of extra weight on his back.
Not equating his recruiting weight vs. high school weight as to single branch falling in the Ocala National Forest ( 384-366)…but.. Big Dez is a modern day tragedy. Vince Wilfork arrived in Miami out of high school at 325. Allegedly. All the geniuses on their website proclaimed he just had to be a guard at that size. Only Vince disagreed. He gained to 350 or so, right away but showed real promise at defensive tackle. High motor to go with superior side. Anyway, he stabilized his weight at 375-395and maintained it through a superior pro career. Football career over he lost a huge amount of weight, being healthy at around 250. Now Dez had many incentives written into his contract rewarding lower weight but he disregarded all of that. Shivers has real talent. . 399 doesn’t allow that. Decision time.
I agree. I think he is one that has to pack on weight by eating a LOT, and he breaks from that in the offseason. He will be back up over 300 in the fall.