Something to add to Donald Trump’s list of potential amazing achievements. Not sure how he pardon’s the state conviction but he has the power to wipe out the 20 year federal conviction. Why Elon Musk and Ben Shapiro want Trump to pardon George Floyd’s murderer Shapiro claims that Chauvin’s trial was a farce and that his “conviction represents the defining achievement of the Woke movement in American politics. The country cannot turn the page on that dark, divisive, and racist era without righting this terrible wrong.” Shapiro’s plea achieved particular significance after it was amplified by Elon Musk, Trump’s unofficial co-president and his largest campaign donor.
At the time of the incident, Shapiro was quick to condemn such "obvious evil." I guess he finds the evil less obvious now. "This pundit (Shapiro) pointed to video of the incident to dismiss the argument that Floyd was resisting arrest. It’s “really ugly and really bad,” he said, adding that Chauvin should be prosecuted “to the fullest extent of the law” and should “go to jail” and that “everyone should be on the same side of this.” Several days later, the same pundit wrote in his syndicated column that Floyd’s death at the hands of Chauvin and other Minneapolis police officers should inspire Americans to “rally” against such “obvious evil.”
For a group of people deeply concerned about violent criminals and murders, they sure do want to pardon a whole lot of them….
MAGA weirdos have a very strange obsession with George Floyd. Like people will be chillin then they randomly bring up his name and post memes of him. They’re never beating the weirdo allegations.
Anyone notice that when law enforcement officers are convicted of violent crimes especially when the victims are minorities MAGA sides with the law enforcement officers while in situations in which supporters of Trump are convicted of assaulting law enforcement officers MAGA sides with the assailants rather than the police?
I can see looking into that. There was no way that guy was getting a fair trial. The pressure on the jury to convict was intense. Same with the 3 bozos in Georgia who 'murdered' the 'jogger' who attacked them. George Floyd is a popular topic with the right because he was such a perfect example of democrats turning a criminal POS into a hero because of race.
And how about all those court cases that failed to rule favorably about voter fraud? Maga sure hates the Judiciary. All these unfair trials and juries are dead wrong.... this Democratic /Constitutional stuff just won't work right for them.
You mean the 3 racist white dudes (who were probably MAGA) who chased a guy down the block in their pickup trucks, struck him with the car, then fatally shot him when he attempted to defend himself and for the final cherry on top, called him the n-word as he took his final breaths? Yeah I remember that story, a lot of MAGA folks wanted them to be found innocent. Par for the course.
I believe the Supreme Court previously rejected Chauvin's appeal as to the state charges. I'm not sure what the status is of the Federal appeal, but if there is new evidence of jury-tampering, prosecutorial misconduct, or something else, I presume Chauvin's lawyers have made those arguments. If some folks have said too nice of things about the dead victim, I'm not sure how it follows that Chauvin should walk. [Edit to clarify: I'd forgotten that he plead guilty to the Federal charges].
FYI - we had a long thread on it UPDATE: Ahmaud Arbery's 3 murderers all found guilty. Sentenced to LIFE in prison.
WTF is wrong with you? He was literally jogging which makes him a jogger, they stalked him while he was running down the road, and then they pulled firearms on him leading to the three racist aholes murdering him, also not requiring quotes.
He jogged right out of that house he was snooping in. Hey, the three guy were idiots to grab their guns and give chase. Cop wannabes. They should have just called the cops.
The case was such a slam dunk that the judge said on the record the defense was discriminating against potential black jurors and the defendants were still all convicted.
They weren’t idiots. They were racists murderers who would “like” your posts. So you got that going for you.