South Carolina court clears way for first execution by firing squad in 15 years Interesting this is moving forward. Supposed to happen Friday. I’d guess it’s cheaper than the alternatives? He’s been on death row for over 20 years so about time.
Bullets aren’t free…guillotine seems cheaper and reusable although hanging would also fit that bill but not as cool
THIS. With MAGA as the main course! Based on some of these foreign policy decisions, I'd say this is a real possibility. Or the firing squads. But something along those lines.
It's definitely headed in that direction. My prediction: They get their Christo Nazi state or violent retribution. I don't see this ending any other way. You can't dismantle our entire security network and expect good things to happen. And if something bad happens due to their malfeasance, the people (and military) will turn on them in a second. And it WON'T be pretty.
Don't like the death penalty, but if we're gonna have it, I suppose it's good for people to have options. If I were being executed, I would like some drinks, have my last meal, and then to phase into some MDMA and down the line into progressively stronger and more lethal drugs. I would pay those costs of course.
I believe in Iran the approved form of execution is hanging, but also firing squad, stoning and crucifixion.
Isn’t that a “gun nut’s” literal fantasy? To pull the trigger and kill a bad guy? South Carolina should auction spots on a 10 person squad, make a lot of $.
Life in prison is the cheaper option compared to the death penalty.
I read that consciousness can remain for several seconds which would mean the pain could exist. (Outside of a severed spinal cord). What a terrible moment that likely is. (Not saying it isnt earned. Just sayin'). Having a conscious moment to realize your heart was just blown apart, that can linger a bit by some estimates.
Giant maga rally, bogey man du jour ( Comey, Pelosi, Schiff etc etc) is brought out in irons, a charge is announced, the crowd chants " GUILTY!". Then the execution is done to the delight of the crowd. Televised also of course with amazing ratings.
Or vice versa. Ideally you get an independent group from the Pentagon to "both sides" this so it doesn't appear to favor one side over the other. Then purge both sides of the biggest morons and appoint a Special Executive Administration to oversee a restructuring of the political system. You couldn't ban parties outright, but you could remove all official sanction, funding, security, etc. and eliminate the primary system to boot. Just do it like everyone else and have candidates move on based solely on percentage of vote.