In every situation I'm aware of re. Denmark/Greenland, all we have to do is ask and the answer is always "yes". Maybe there's some larger play here, but I seriously doubt it. President Troll.
That is the really crazy part for people with any sense of the history here. Denmark has always been one of our closest allies post-World War II. Heck, they even volunteered for Iraq when most of the continent of Europe was (it turns out, correctly) telling us to kick rocks about getting them involved in that mess. Heck, they celebrate the 4th of July there. Rebild Festival - Wikipedia
If Bill Clinton could take Kosovo from Russia's little brother Serbia why can't Trump take Greenland from Denmark if Greenland"s citizens want to do the deal?
How is stealing another country’s land “worthy of discussion,” particularly when it’s one of our strongest allies?
Jeesk including leaving a the threat open of military strike on Denmark and Panama?!?!?!?!?!? Just because Dear Leader said it?
France has come out and said they would intervene militarily in Greenland on Denmark's behalf to protect the EU. But hey, we're just negotiating!
Rubio says Trump is serious about buying Greenland Marco Rubio Tells Megyn Kelly That Trump’s Greenland Bid ‘Is Not A Joke’ |
Thread title is BS and should be updated to "NOT OPEN" to talks with Trump. Greenland PM snubs Trump: ‘We don’t want to be Americans or Danes’ | Donald Trump News | Al Jazeera ‘Not for sale’, says Mute Egede as the US leader reiterates interest in acquiring the island, painting a picture of prosperity for its ‘incredible people’. "Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland in the Greenlandic language) is ours," Egede wrote on social media. "We don't want to be Americans, nor Danes; We are Kalaallit. The Americans and their leader must understand that. We are not for sale and cannot simply be taken. Our future will be decided by us in Greenland." Denmark's Defense Minister Trouls Lund Poulsen also responded to Mr. Trump's claims about taking over Greenland, telling the Danish public broadcaster on Wednesday: "That won't happen." "The direction that Greenland wants to take will be decided by Greenlanders," Poulsen said.
How much longer are you going to be spewing the party line. Do you hate the democrats so much that you would cheer the burning down of America to see them put in their place.
Poulsen has 57k people to fight a deal between the Dutch crown and Trump. This might be our N. Ireland.
Outside of raw numbers, how and where has the CCP surpassed us? The rest is just complete nonsense. Trump cares less about national security than any POTUS of my lifetime (Johnson administration). I mean, we're talking about a person who is dismantling the most powerful military alliance in human history - a horse we're the jockey on - because he thinks Europe is too woke. That's not serious policy unless said policy is to weaken our security and help the likes of Putin and Xi. You'd have to be the ultimate, captured and mindless follower to see it any other way. Greenland has never denied a US request in 70+ years. Why would we even suggest taking it over again? Because we want to endure the needless cost?