And Maxine Waters has SO much credibility outside of her district. Great - typically dumb - analogy there.
Come on man. Extrapolate this out to the rest of her life. She's a POS and I'm guessing more than 1/2 of the people in her life know this and wouldn't miss her for a second.
She’ll get hired somewhere but she knows she eff’d up; that’s why she was putting out the ridiculous claim on social media that someone stole her credit card. The truth is that she’ll probably draw like-minded clients, like moths to the flame.
I actually am not a fan of people unveiling this info, no. And I wonder if the restaurant can face a problem for revealing her ID. At the same time, I lose no sleep for people with that type of hate. Now, the issues could be, what if she left no tip but an angry waitress wrote the note as revenge, or something like that. Its why I font like the trend of doxing prople. But if she did do it, then there was a very simple way to keep her job. Don't be a racist and write It down on restaurant property. (The slip being their property). Simple.
I've hired a hundred people. I understand the HR limitations on what they can say. I also know most managers... myself web and social media searches. This lady will pop up on page one for years now. No former boss will ever need to say a word. The real world is turning Into Too Hot. Maybe the girl was illegal and maybe the service was terrible. Ok? Pay your bill and leave Karen. No one is making you say vile things. We all disagree with all sorts of people on all sorts of things, but "do unto others" is still a thing.
So if her note said I hope Biden deports you would you Title it “expressing Biden support”? I think not. And the title suggests she was fired for being a Trump supporter, not an asshat.
So Maxine Waters is the bar for tolerant social behavior and political speech? “What about Maxine Waters” is not a very effective response.
I mean you could say the same about the thread title which is where the Trump mentions began...right? @citygator , you should really change the title. She got fired for leaving a racist note on a receipt.
While it was worded poorly, the implication, which is almost certainly true, is that she likely is a Trump supporter and some of his fans now feel like they are entitled to exhibit unacceptable behavior, because Trump does it and in their mind it is now OK.
in my book it was but the girl refused to file charges even though I encouraged her to do so- the police told me she was who would have to press charges- I fired him immediately but that was all I could do