well if you knew kirstjen and was told the repugnant and vile things she was repeatedly told to her face I’d say you’d feel differently but you’re such a ideologue I know you wouldn’t. I started my reply that the woman deserved to be fired.
probably made little difference in her life as real estate agents (unless they work for a builder) are independent contractors - so she just went to another agency
But it’s the root of where the behaviors are born. People see and read this BS and then act on it. Kind of like how you behave on the board after watching CNN.
I think being good little fascists who dont protest fascists is how you get people thinking its ok to write that on a receipt
Not exactly a hill to die on, is it? Where discrimination is illegal (in hiring, public accommodation, etc) discrimination based on nationality is just as illegal as race. There isn’t much daylight between them, esp as used here. As this woman was the customer here, not sure she broke any law per se. But she’s getting her just desserts. I just don’t understand the minds of people who do this. Esp considering she was in a Mexican restaurant. Apparantly she was mad a coupon didn’t work (something that likely had nothing to do with the waiter). Sounds like this lady was a real winner, showing her racist ass over a coupon.
I think the realtor deserves everything that is crashing down on her, but I truly wonder what happened during her meal.
Horse crap... The cancel culture is also zero tolerance without any remorse. If you are NOT wearing your business label, and you have a verbal dispute with someone in public, that should have zero bearing on your employment/career. Do you really think having a bad day or someone else having a bad day should be enough to END YOUR ENTIRE CAREER? Lol... in reality, in the real crimes people commit, at least they have their day in court, unlike people that get fired with no recourse or any legal defense... SCREW CANCEL COULTURE.
This from a guy supporting the indiscriminate firing of hundreds of thousands of federal workers. But like I said, I support you in your anti-cancel culture fight. Keep us updated on your efforts.
someone will I termed a male Manager for sexual harassment that got physical and he got hired at another restaurant in town- by law they cannot say why she was fired just that she was, how long she worked there and if they would rehire her
I don't care where you stand politically, that's just a douche move by a complete douche of a human being. All the worst to this woman!