He also threatened to double the tariffs on Canada for them matching our own tariffs. This dipshit needs to be 25th’d.
Oh, and this. Almost certainly not unrelated. Trump 'bump' disappears as the S&P 500 is now negative since the election
The fact you don’t understand the effect of wage inflation and pumping money with forcing the minimum wage up speaks volumes.
What the heck does "pumping money with forcing the minimum wage up" mean then in the context of inflation?
Lol, what? That is literally nonsense. Who is "you" in this case? What money is being pumped in and to where or to whom?
Didn’t you just say you pay your employees higher wages than they can get elsewhere? Damn. Sounds like you are a major source of whatever you imagine the problem is here…. But again, this thread is about the 25% tax Trump is imposing…. Not about how you are ruining America with those high wages you are supposedly paying.
We gave everyone money just because (Covid). Then you force employers to pay more. What do you expect. It’s not hard!
Okay, for the pool on this, how many posts on the thread about *checks notes* on the tariffs implemented by Trump in 2025 before Q could turn it to Covid? Second, your claim seems to still rely on the notion that the money for the minimum wage is just created, in the way a government can create money, which, of course, a business can't. BTW, at this point, the minimum wage hasn't been binding almost anywhere in years. Let me know where you can find an employee to do anything for minimum wage. We are in a labor shortage.
It’s been 15 years since the minimum wage has been raised. In 2009, the average Bic Mac cost $3.60. Today, it's $5.29. In 2009, a minimum wage worker could buy over 2 Big Macs after working just one hour. Today, it's 1.4. Raising minimum wage does cause some inflation with higher costs, but it also allows minimum wage workers, who tend to spend their entire paycheck, to purchase more. In short, the inflation from a minimum wage hike is offset by people buying more of your goods. And the more you sell, the lower the profit margin you can have. If we constantly raise minimums every year, it would absolutely be inflationary. But after 15 years with COVID inflation? It would reset the "Big Mac Index", giving workers more purchasing power.
LOL! No. We pay our employees top dollar because that is the expectation and they are worth it. With that it means I don’t have to continuously look for new employees every month. Fun story. We just hired a new employee (has not started yet). It was tough as we are growing to provide something extremely valuable to our community (Sleep Apnea is a real issue). But the position can be a grind to find the right employee. We ended up having back to back great interviews. Wanted to hire both. While we could only hire one now. I think we will end up with both. When you do it right and create relationships. It works out.
LOL!!! I will admit I am the first to use Covid on this thread. But it was used in the context of the economy. So spare me your BS circle jerk to accuse me of bringing Covid into things. You have to be an idiot to not understand shutting the world down and giving people money while forcing employers to pay more for labor is not going to create inflation going forward. That was the purpose.
Go be the best in your community and pay people top dollar. Good news is the BS you dems push will not hit them as hard as it does for those working for just over minimum wage…
I grant you that it only took you one sentence to directly contradict yourself. First to "use Covid on this thread" but don't you dare "accuse you of bringing Covid into things." Got to love how easy it is. Stimulus payments and shutting down supply are both inflationary. But that wasn't your initial claim. It was some nonsense about minimum wage. Which, again, is still unintelligible and both completely unimportant (as the minimum wage is binding barely anywhere in the US right now) and completely off-topic (as the topic is the tariff).
Wait, so if you choose to pay higher wages, it isn't inflationary, but if you do so because of minimum wage laws, it is?