Good for Century 21. Century 21 Realtor expresses her Trump love by writing "I hope President Trump deports you" to her Mexican restaurant waiter on the credit card receipt. Stephanie Lovins has now been fired from Century 21 Realty Company Dumps Ohio Woman For Writing 'I Hope Trump Deports You' On Mexican Restaurant Receipt
Her little stunt is symptomatic of the Trump effect, making people think that otherwise cruel and despicable behavior is acceptable. The President of the United States is at least theoretically supposed to be a positive role model. The former reality television star and insult comedian who now occupies the position has made cruelty and racism great again.
was a terrible thing to write in the receipt and century 21 was well Within their rights let Her go I also remember when Maxine waters publically Called for this exact behavior. For example, I went to school with Kirstjen Nielsen in Tampa. She is an incredible nice Person and the things she was subjected to were said To her were abhorrent too Maxine Waters encourages supporters to harass Trump administration officials | CNN Politics
I wonder if she assumed the waiter is illegal because he has an accent? If so, maybe Mexican restaurants aren't ideal for her.
was a terrible thing to write in the receipt and century 21 was well Within their rights let Her go I also remember when this was encouraged. I went to school with Kirstjen Nielsen. She to ignore abhorrent behavior from the left Maxine Waters encourages supporters to harass Trump administration officials | CNN Politics
I notice at least 1 Trump voter in this thread who opposes saying overtly racist comments. It's interesting that that standard seems to apply to private citizens.. .... but it didn't to presidential candidates.
You know what, I support you in your endeavors to fight cancel culture by writing such messages. Go ahead and do it and post pictures here as proof.
One bad actor doesn’t excuse another. They are all bad. Just like most organizations, leadership or lack of sets the tone.
Thread title is a bit misleading. She was canned because she’s a rude asshole. Not because she supports Trump.