Right here. Took my gains earlier. On the long front…bought 2000 shares of DOW Really like the yield approaching 8% and been hammered. Too big of a company to go down imo.
Algorithmic and institutional trading. That selling pressure at the end of the day isn’t retail investors.
SP500 is now negative since the election… and I’m talking since Nov. 5th… It’s waaaay down since Jan 20th. All those gains Trumpers bragged about in the months after the election have all been erased.
That’s about what Obama averaged for 8 years, and we were told it was the worst economy in history by the Trumpsters. But now losing ground is S&P is okay with them.
You think the S&P goes up every week/month? There have been 30 corrections of over 5% in the S&P since 2009. Some very deep like Covid and in 22 with inflationary concerns. This is normal market stuff although the numbers are appreciably bigger given where the indexes are.
So your view is that the stock market lost over 3% of its value in 2 days, the day on which a draconian tax increase was confirmed and the day in which it was implemented and reacted to by trading partners, due to "normal market stuff?"
Stocks are influenced by both actual data and the market sentiment. This is all market sentiment at this point, although the Fed’s GDPNOW forecast is flashing red. Trade wars are bad and will cause consumers to tighten their purse strings if it persists. Plunges can turn into corrections, and corrections can turn into recessions. So far Trump has immediately surrendered on all his tariff threats, with none lasting more than a day, IIRC. If this one sticks, i expect more downside. If Trump surrenders the trade war tomorrow, then this dip is short lived. But the longer it goes on, the harder it is to reverse.
Yep, it is likely that the markets are pricing in a fairly high probability that Trump will back down again based on his history, at least in regards to Canada and Mexico (the Chinese stuff matters little as most companies already have workarounds for that).
I’ve traded in the market that lost more than that in one day. Sentiment is bad and it’s directly related to tariffs. I agree with that but like every other “markets in turmoil” time over the past 20 years this too will pass.
Could this tariff stand for awhile? Trump already backed off once and gave them a month to do whatever was intended. There doesn’t seem much discussion on what is expected. Plus border crossing are way down.