Sometimes I’m ok with 2017-2019 DJT. I voted for that guy in 2016. This current version of Trump is just as senile as Biden and they both belong to the same nursing home
So is there a cease fire in Ukraine? I must have missed that. If you still have firing gray cells, I suggest you use them.
That's the point. It isn't just a matter of having a decent relationship. It's Trump's long history of siding with Putin, even over the US. That's why the OP is basically phony, but i suspect he knows it.
When has Putin ever lied? Breshnev's bootlickers seem to be the biggest Putin haters. Is it because Russia is no longer communist?
Ukraine obviously started the war by shooting artillery at Russian-speakers and they were planning to join NATO. Russia was very clear about how to avoid war. Could have had a good peace deal in March 2022 but the US wanted war.
Why would Putin do that? He's got the only US president he could have to do his bidding. He'd be foolish to ruin a good thing.
Who said it was? Clinton's absenteeism on all things post-Cold War are shameful. Almost as shameful as him handing the keys to the economy to a dirtbag like Robert Rubin. Two worst votes of my life and I'm 1000% convinced we'd be living in a better world if Bush had gotten a second term. Dude actually had a vision for the post-Cold War world and we mocked him for it. Now we're paying the price for signing the country over to narcissistic populists.
From a post cold-war perspective, HW was hands down the guy we needed to put into the office to navigate global politics. Unfortunately, "it's the economy, stupid" - as proven by 3% inflation placing a possible russian asset in the white house.
This is one of those things about Russia, their hardheadedness. Where has their support of Serbia ever gotten anyone? WWI? Funny thing is, if they would just tell the Serbians to back off, they would and Russia would be seen as the hero. Instead, they just mindlessly back them no matter what. They truly are the abused child (Mongols) who go on to be abusers themselves.
Both parties have seen changes in positions and tone about various things over the years. I personally don't have a problem with presidents talking to and being strategically cordial with with our nation-state adversaries. When Trump met with Kim Jong Un, I did not view that as Trump literally rooting for North Korea at the expense of our Eastern allies. I don't recall Trump suggesting that the world should make territorial concessions to North Korea in order to avoid WWIII because they have nukes. I didn't see people in Trump's circle lying about business negotiations or secret political meetings with North Korea before he got elected. I never saw Republicans wearing Kim Jong Un shirts either.
When multiple representatives of the US concluded that Russia had attempted to interfere in the 2016 election. But Trump said Putin denied it and that that was good enough for him.
The US/Obama violently overthrew the democratically elected president of Ukraine in 2014. The new president was hostile to Russian-speakers so the people of mostly Russian-speaking Crimea voted to be annexed by Russia
What happened in 2014 was a popular revolution in which the people of Ukraine overthrew a Russian puppet who was enriching himself by robbing them blind. Revolution of Dignity - Wikipedia Viktor Yanukovych's personal mansion paid for by the citizens of Ukraine.
Imagine what Shoigu's looks like after all that money he pilfered from the Russian military for decades.