I was debating laughable notion that You get to describe the definition of cult. Not Ukraine. So much for reading comp 101.
well he accomplished in 3 weeks what the Biden admin and all self proclaimed best and brightest couldn’t do in 4 years. So maybe tap the brakes on the peril national security and economy hyperbole
Guess we will never know. We do know he literally decapitated the largest state sponsor of terror in our lifetime only to have the coffers filled right back up. So there’s that.
Left one topic and went to another. Somehow that's not switching? So much for staying on the thread topic. Pay attention more.
We can disagree. I give about as much of a sh-t about Ukraine as I do about the Sudan and the African continent. Where hundreds of thousands have died in the last 3 years. None of it is in the US interest. New data shows record number of armed conflicts – Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO). Africa remained the region with the most state-based conflicts per year (28), followed by Asia (17), the Middle East (10), Europe (3) and the Americas (1). The number of conflicts in Africa nearly doubled compared with ten years ago, from 15 in 2013. In the past three years, Africa has seen more than 330,000 battle-related deaths.
which one of those wars is being driven by a superpower taking over a major food supplier to the world? I'll wait... i guess you wouldn't have cared about Hitler taking France either. I get it, you can justify anything, even carrying Putins water so he can have his men rape old women and children among countless other war crimes. you are supporting a guy that gave his men viagra so they could rape more..but what do youc are, not on your doorstep..smdh edit..if you were Zelensky, would you settle for another pinky promise after all the damage and destruction and war crimes?
A few questions: The story claims Zelensky met with 'anti-Trump Democrats.' You know that there were Republicans in the meeting too, right? What in Murphy's post said they advised him to reject the deal? Muphy said Zelensky said wouldn't support "a fake peace agreement where Putin gets everything he wants and there are no security arrangements for Ukraine." Do you really think Zelensky would or should be open to that kind of agreement?
Europe's acknowledgment on the record that they need to spend more is enough, regardless of what actually happens. I mean, we should absolutely vanquish the national debt, but will we? Only time will tell, but it won't change the fact that the should absolutely do it.
Suffice to say there were more Dems at the meeting than GOP, but your point is not totally lost. That either party had reps at such a meeting is scary. Disrupting peace negotiations is bad business, no matter who's making the negotiations. Blood is on their hands.
You really won't get an answer back as these Magas don't think these logical fallacies through at all, and run when confronted with the obvious issues. But don't be shocked when another one pops up with the same misguided low information conclusion.