Another poster said the same thing. That we are going to see miners on the ground (and somehow that stops hostilities). I assume someone in right wing media is pushing this? I appreciate that at least you provided a theory, and I assume “someone” is out there pushing this into the right wing blogosphere for two users to have the same theory. Yes, it seems crazy to me. We are all against “boots on the ground”, but I guess some think some courageous CIVILIAN boots will end the conflict? Trump is once again attacking Zelensky. Saying “he doesn’t want peace”. Do me a favor and find ONE instance of him asking Putin for a ceasefire or condemning a Russian missile strike into Ukraine? Hint: it doesn’t exist.
It’s the age-old argument — should we be the Leader of the free world (and with that all the economic and commercial gains and opportunities), or should we be an isolationist country looking no further than our own shores. We cannot be both. I believe we have done quite well in the role of the former, and with the world shrinking every day, it would be short-sighted to retreat to our own borders in this modern world. I also think that history has taught that isolationism breeds more dangerous wars that we will be brought into—we cannot escape world conflict, and thus IMO, we must be string internationally to deter an engulfing conflict.
You seem stuck in the prison of 2 ideas. As the lone superpower prior to the rise of china, we can be both or neither. We can be whatever the F we want to be. That’s how power works. We can be in our own self interests as far as projecting power… with current tech we don’t need 50,000 troops in country to project power. I’m not interested in sending neither your son nor mine to protect one inch of Ukraine
you seem much more interested in what is said in public vs what is agreed in private. I don’t give a Sh what they say about each other or to other each. Completely irrelevant. Let’s see what happens in the next 90 days. This stuff happens over the sale of a Dunkin’ Donuts. So imagine it happens regular with geopolitics
Only took 4 Weeks to prove Biden lied for 4 years and his border policy was a total failure. Trump gets 90 Days to see if this plan works after war for 3+years Amid Trump crackdown, illegal border crossings plunge to levels not seen in decades
I’m not stuck in a prison of two ideas, I think there are but2 paths—continued leadership or isolationism. Simply, if we choose to shirk the leadership, the World will look elsewhere to replace us. Someone, somewhere will step up. That’s how things work, at least in my experience. If we choose to step down from that world leadership role, that is a choice, and that choice has its consequences—good and/or bad. As for sending troops, I agree. I don’t want my son fight in a war in another country. Last I checked, Ukraine hasn’t asked us to send troops to defend its country. It has asked for assistance, assistance which has IMO the end-result of benefitting our National interests. Indeed, I believe that stopping Russia in Ukraine will lead to a safer World, and less war in the future. I believe history agrees with me, that failing to stop an aggressor results in the broadening of aggression.
It isn’t a theory. Trump literally said it when asked the question right before the Poland question spun out of control. Trump’s world view appears to be transactional cooperation for mutual economic benefit. Stating the obvious… all leaders die. The key is to bring the next leader of Russia into an international community that is agnostic to Putin’s failed reconstruction of the USSR. Ukraine has every right to be pissed off. They got screwed. Xi might swoop in and eat our lunch.
so no response to the substance that Russia and the USA pinky promised before and you expect Ukraine to trust another pinky promise? i thought so..all noise, no substance childish, petty insults go cult, you fit right in
The 51st state acting like they have weapons, and that they are part of Europe. Little Fidel, governor of Canada dropped something when he last visited Mar-a-Lago.
While he deserves credit it's probably Trump's only real accomplishment. Trump will continue trying to negotiate a peace plan with Russia. At this point there three outcomes. The first is a plan similar to Eisenhower's peace plan the ended the Korean War in which the US guaranteed the security of South Korea; a peace plan similar to Neville Chamberlain's agreement in 1938 with Hitler which ended up encouraging further aggression by Nazi Germany and ultimately World War II; or a complete failure in the Trump acquiesces to Putin while Europe does its best to guarantee the independence of Ukraine. Sadly given Trump's love for or fear of Vlad the latter two are much more likely than the first alternative. An let's not forget what Trump will do to the economy. Within a couple of months the US will see its highest unemployment rate since the Covid shutdown and the highest rate of inflation in over two years and longer term possibly the highest rate of inflation since 1980.
Yeah, I don't get what Trump's "deal" is supposed to be. What exactly is in this for Ukraine if they don't get a security agreement? They give the US half their mineral rights, and the Ukraine gets ???
so Taiwan is SOL then? China free to take Japan too? South Korea up to highest bidder? you must be a russian shill, or maybe french. no patriotic american would surrender so easily. sadly, even the French have more spine these days than your cult does
Btw, many are overthinking this. For maga it’s basically whatever Trump does, follow and defend that. They are getting so nuanced it’s now all based on a theoretical idea we should send workers into an active war zone. And what about Ukraines little problem of Russia’s ongoing invasion - no part of the deal for US to provide help or weapons with that? Maga - ‘no, everything will just stop, trust us, because of Dear Leader’. Nutty.