Just crazy how Trump has convinced so many people that everything is purely transactional. Punitive and transactional. Remember how well that worked out for Europe post-WW1? The reality is that is the US weren't the leader in a global order that promoted free trade and discouraged raw aggression ..... then we'd have multiples more people entering the US as refugees, and you wouldn't be able to watch TV on your $300 flatscreen. And when you did, you'd have to flip the channel rapidly past multiple disasters asking for aid contributions. Trump actually has Americans encouraging and enabling Russian aggression, which has resulted in 100s of thousands of deaths, strictly based on dollars and cents. It's shameful. Trump is telling people we should; - demand payment for deterring illegal and deadly aggression - kick out appx 9 million (granted, undocumented) workers at the same time as we .... - demand that jobs be returned to the United States When are you going to realize that everything Trump says is bullshit or a lie. Or at the very minimum .... wrong ?
Trump appears to be making the same mistake that Obama made when he became president. Obama, who was fairly inexperienced at politics (sound familiar?) wanted to pass legislation for a large stimulus package in 2009. He decided that since he was in the White House and had a democrat majority in both houses, he didn't have to listen to republicans--he had a mandate to do whatever he thought necessary. He campaigned as "a great compromiser", but when push came to shove, there was no compromise. He said, 'Elections have consequences, and I won." None of the republican ideas were incorporated, and while the initial legislation passed, later bills had more difficulty without any republican support. Basically, Obama's arrogance created MAGA more than Trump did. Trump just verbalized it in such a way that any simpleton could understand it and latch on to it with a death grip. Opinion - Trump is following Obama’s path to gridlock — and could be creating the anti-MAGA that takes him down
More evidence that Trump is getting senile: he claims that he can't believe that he ever called Zelenskyy a dictator, ONE WEEK after he called Zelenskyy a dictator. ‘Gaslighting’ Donald Trump Tries To Bury A Comment; Critics Dig It Right Back Up
My honest opinion and that of the political scientist I quoted are worth more than a dishonest poll that is intended to mislead. To my knowledge the "57% poll" was conducted by a company owned by a friend of Zelensky. The company is/was funded by USAID. The company coincidentally released it's poll the day after Trump said Zelensky's popularity was 4%. I doubt the poll adequately polled Russian-speakers. Was the poll conducted by calling people's cell phones as I've read? Did the people who were polled feel safe giving answers that reflected badly on Zelensky? We saw in 2024 that Too Hot Dem posters put more faith in bad polls than good polls. The polls I said were the best, depending on the criteria that was looked at finished #1 Richard Barris #1 Rasmussen #1 Atlas Intel #2 or #3 according to some Trafalgar Democrats believed pollsters that were actually paid to lie to further a narrative. If Too Hot Dem posters bet on elections for a living they'd learn to ignore bad polls
Believe it or not, we have 2 posters who thought the combination of 'snatch' and 'magnet' was a cool username. And they like to quote each other and say the same thing.
That little prick, Zelenskyy, just made a deal with Britain. Lol... yeah, He was never going to sign a deal for rare Earth minerals with the U.S. That was all a set-up on his and the EU's part.
Someone has to bring some levity to this forum. You don’t strike me as the kind of person that enjoys life very much. More like an angry old fella that takes life too seriously. Lighten up Francis.
From a purely economic standpoint, it makes no geopolitical sense for the U.S. to throw in with Russia (GDP of 2+ Trillion at best of times) vs alienating the E.U. (GDP of 20+ Trillion) and additional allies such as Canada (2 Tr), UK (3+ Tr), Japan (4 Tr) and Mexico (1.7 Tr). If this latest beef is about how much the U.S. supports allies with funds, military expense, etc. then NEGOTIATE smaller amounts. No need to throw in with an adversary who invades other countries, murders dissidents, manipulates elections, and suppresses information. There's no real economic benefit for the U.S., so why is this so important to #47?
Only for the last 20 years. I don't reword them, I just delete the parts that aren't relevant to my response.
Do you have anything to back that up or are you going with the idea that if Tucker Carlson said it, it must be true? I wish you'd answer that. Thanks.
Just posted some drivel, regardless of whether it was true or not? And from a shill for Russia at that. Cool. Congrats?
I see your Joy Reid sympathize as well. Let me say it one more time… NO ONE IS LETTING RUSSIA TAKE ANY LAND! ALSO TRUMP HAS SAID 100 TIMES HE IS ALINED WITH NO ONE BUT THE USA! I love how it is Russia Russia Russia ALWAYS yet the collusion was deemed to be made up by the Democrats yet they still push Russia Russia, Russia.
And I say anyone who believes dt is a fool. Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons promised Putin wouldn't invade and west would protect. Putin takes Crimea. West said no more. Putin said ok. Oops want more and more and more. Only a fool believes anything dt or Putin says. DT is putin stooge and you know it. Pootie whispers sweet nothings, DT coos like a school girl and goes and makes his daddy proud.
This is real easy answer to any Zelensky came in the way he did. He had Biden by the balls because he had blackmail on him isn’t Homer. You remember Hunter Biden the guy whose dad was president & gave him a blanket pardon from 2011 moving forward. Hmm sounds like Zelensky for got he isn’t dealing with a US president he can push around.