You’d wear it. You might not have been the first guy to try it on, but you’d be wearing them by now if you were a d1/pro athlete. They provide a ton of info.
I think they started with a strap. I know there used to be a strap they tied around their chest that would monitor a lot of stuff. Guessing that was uncomfortable and hard to keep in place. The bras have been around for years now though and they’re used all over the world. I don’t really understand why a bra is the only option, but maybe that’s just what the athletes settled on as being the most comfortable. I’m assuming the monitors need to be snug around the chest cavity.
They’re not bras, they’re mansierres. Called bros in slang. They were developed in the 90’s by two guys in NYC.
GPS Tracker vests. My son said they were great for data collection. He said the straps we all are familiar would constantly slip and move around. He said shirts would be to dam hot under their jerseys.
I figured plenty of testing was done and they settled on the bra because that’s what the athletes thought was most comfortable.
I never saw my son or his soccer teammates wear them without one. You guys are more than welcome to walk up to these football players and tell them they look stupid.
Our guys wear them without shirts all the time during warmups and workouts. I thought it was weird when I first saw them, but these guys wouldn’t wear them if they didn’t think they were useful. They’re obviously helpful or thousands of athletes wouldn’t be using them. I think I’ll keep any muttering about how stupid they look under my breath.
I know. I don’t have an issue with them. I understand their purpose. Just see a lot posters on here with some insecurities and probably a nice set of moobs.