I am still trying to process that a US president said this; "Putin went through a hell of a lot with me he went through a phony witch hunt where they used him and Russia, Russia Russia Russia, you ever hear of that deal that was a phony Hunter Biden Joe Biden scam. Hillary Clinton, Schifty Adam Schiff it was a democrat scam." "And he had to go through that and he did go through it. We didn't end up in a war," Trump added.
zelensky on Fox. Give credit to Fox for going thru with the interview. Jeesk just listen to him, quite pragmatic. Remember Russia/ Putin is bombing his country.
Yeah, it's astounding that any elected official in the United States could utter such total laughable bullshit. For example, when the Republican Senate Intelligence Committee reported in 2020 that there had conclusively been extensive contact between Russia and the Trump campaign ........ that was a "Hunter Biden Joe Biden scam." The lying and horse$hit is simply laughable. And the MAGA cult will eat it up. Ya see, it was .....Hunter Biden.
I don’t follow your logic. In my history of car and boat buying I walked away more than once only to have the seller later agree to my terms. One time my wife actually cried because she wanted that damn Volvo so badly. A few days later we pulled up in another dealers car - same model, year, mileage, and color -and told the salesman what price he had to beat. He came around. I was thankful that the Tampa dealer and the St. Pete dealer both had the same lease return models and I could play them against each other. Maybe now Zelensky will talk to the EU and play them against Trump.
Trump showed Americans today that we are no longer the beacon of freedom… We are a country with no identity. We don’t know what we want to be and we lack the leadership (from all sides) to have a clear vision.
What's wrong with the spelling? I've seen the cokehead's name spelled at least 3 different ways. Zelensky, Zelenski, Zelenskyy
he refused to be chastised like a child by a man who is willing to give away his country just to punish him for not helping frame Biden and his attack dog with no concept of the suffering that Ukraine has suffered. jd talking about he saw a video, maybe he needs to go visit a torture chamber or talk to the old women and children that were raped. publicity tour. f him
The U.S. under Trump DOES know what it wants to be. It wants to be rich; or, at least, have the richest billionaires. By hook or by crook, we want all of the world's wealth. The rest of the world can be a bunch of shithole countries for all Trump cares. Let them kill each other, rob each other, pollute the planet, and use up all of the earth's resources. Wealth is where it's at, man. Greed is good. Trump apparently thinks he's Goldfinger or some other James Bond villain or something--all that power went straight to his head. Sadly for Trump, U.S. billionaires lost a ton of money in February. Even the businessman savant Muskrat lost $90 billion in value during the month. Some guy named Ellison lost $27 billion. While Trump was trying to figure out how to rob other nations, China's DeepSeek has rocked the AI industry and humbled several U.S. billionaires. Trump has invented a new AI, called Artificial Insanity, where he lays off government workers he doesn't think he needs, and then hires them back when he realizes he needs them. Embarrassing. Billionaires earning $10 billion per day in January are suddenly watching their net worth get wiped out—Elon Musk has lost $90 billion alone
It's almost like we're a country led by a man who rapes women. A rapist. Wait - it's exactly like that. Because we are.
turning our allies against us while emboldening our enemies and strongmen worldwide is not what is best for america. certainly you can see that
and republican house and Seante members line up behind him in lock step along with americans who had family fight and die because of russian aggression un fing real
It's one thing not to support Zelenaky and Ukraine, but man, Trump's and Vance behavior was immature. I wanted to hit disagree on your post. We do have an identity, it what's on sale. Give me a deal or money, etc .
I cannot disagree, but isn’t that the saddest place to be? Where we as a country of freedom, exclude others for expressing their desire for the same opportunity.