I doubt there's a significant number Trump voters who already regret their vote. See how it plays out. But if they're losing their jobs, prices are going up, they can't get any help from the govt agencies that used to help people, then ...
Some folks in red states are about to find out that safety net that used to be there was actually suspended over a pit full of quicksand.
Lol! You're on the wrong side of history bud... It's a revolution! Your beloved corruptocracy is going down! Join the Revolution! "...We have get together sooner or later, bc the revolution's here...and you know it's right!"
You get joy, humor, and comfort from watching elderly people struggle . . . your mother should be so proud.
....or willing to take short term hardship for the long term good of the country. Y'all's retarded strategy is to $pend $pend $pend, until we crash and collapse, al la Soviet Union. And by "Y'all's", I mean your Chicom puppet party's puppet master(s)--ie--the Chicoms. (Or, if you please, by all means, lay out a non-distrous ending to your CPP's drunken spending, and continued plan to $pend... ad infinitum... [= until collapse/can't borrow another nickel...] ...I'm all ears.
Sidenote: i still love y'all's strategy of telling us how incredibly stupid we are, and how we're too stupid to realize how wonderful y'all's Chicom Puppet Party is for us! LMAO!!!
I'd like to believe this (I'd prefer it if none of these bad things happened to them), but they'll just spin this to be someone else's fault. Clinton or immigrants or commies or something.
she has a sad story. She doesn’t sound overly political but believed trumps claim about making IVF free, so voted for him. She was desperate and was quick to believe the claim. Now it’s not free and trump also fired her.
Dude. Cut the crap. "Chicom Puppet Party" ad nauseum. No-one can take you seriously when you are painting with such a broad brush. Simple fact is that many folks' lives, and local economies, will be impacted by radical sweeping job cuts. Try not to diminish the personal distress these people will feel.
Chicom Puppet Party is a more accurate term for the party headed by the guy with penchant for reddish orange makeup. The Chinese have extended their influence in the Third World through foreign aid. Cutting US foreign aid to near zero will leave a vacuum that the Chinese will be glad to fill. Similarly, Trump's position acquiescing to Russia on Ukraine will undoubtedly send a message to the Xi that the US will do nothing if China invades Taiwan.
I have no regrets- the fact that you would have rather had the cackler speaks volumes- you libs are so anti Trump you are going to have a miserable next 4 years
"the cackler" "you libs" All this from a mod ... And I took a screenshot in case y'all decide to delete me.
Sure, let's hyper focus on the acute short term inconvenience of a targeted microscopic sampling of folks.... and pretend everything will be hunky dory for everyone, if we continue to spend recklessly, until we achieve complete and absolute ruin. That's the way tall roll. See covid, DEI, cancel culture, gay *marriage *...on and on...
At least the cackler isn't a tool of the former KGB colonel who wants to resurrect the Soviet Union/Russian Empire. It may be a miserable four years for us "libs" but it won't nearly as miserable as it will be for the people of Ukraine and the next countries that Putin decides to invade not to mention the citizens of his own country who may disagree with Vlad and may end up like Alexei Navalny poisoned or dying in a Siberian penal colony.
Republican logic: Yeah, Trump may be an adjudicated rapist, serial cheater, multiple time bankrupt business man felon with ties to Jeffrey Epstein, but have you seen Kamala’s cackle!?! Brilliant deduction there.
I agree with you, which is rare. Whatever anyone says won't change a thing; MAGA will still be a cult to a felon, traitor, racist rapist ...... and they will worship him regardless.