Sigh....I remember the pre-Terror days when the Republican Party claimed a moral high ground and acted as though they cared about : Independence, Free Markets and the Rule of Law. Those days are long, long gone.
You're 100% correct, and so is Zelensky. The problem, of course, is that there's quite obviously no level of vileness or criminality to which the Trumppublican party will object. In fact, the truth is quite to the contrary; Trump has proven to America that his cult, and the political party criminal organization that supports him will in fact do the opposite : they will not only forget about all indefensible transgressions and literal crimes, they will actual lie for him about them. Obviously this message is not lost on the likes of Vance, or the entire party criminal organization, as there M.O. is now simply to repeatedly lie, crime, and watch their voters forget and/or not care. It's a shameful state America is now in. Trump's America.
since when is the US taxpayer obligated to fund a war where half the proceeds go missing. Ukrainian families of influence leave the country to purchase new fendi bags and conscripts are pulled from trains to a trench warfare frontline to die a gruesome Death. I don’t give a shi- about either side. This has gone on long enough.
I wish I had a time machine so I could travel back to 1980 just to tell all the Republicans that in a scant 40 years they would be siding with Russia
He spelled the name wrong and there is no deal. So everything was wrong. Mercifully it was updated with (fell through) although not the spelling.
Good work here, Rep. Don Whoever. You've mouthed your feeble utterance, will do nothing, and will be voting entirely how Trump dictates ...... as soon as there is another vote.
Things are tough, walk away from the rest of the world and surrender more power and control to a dictator. Must be a Republican. I know that you cannot see beyond your life size idle of Trump, but this was never about Ukraine.
I just listened to the audio. Trump is completely unhinged. It’s embarrassing. JD Vance is just a piece of shit. I can’t articulate how much I hate those two MFers. Excerpts From the Fiery Exchange Between Trump and Zelensky at the White House
Trump just goes off on this angry self absorbed rant - it’s always about him. He is truly mentally ill. Will be interesting how this plays with people. I’ve tried to accept that he’s the president and hope for some good but I can’t think of a time in the past that I’ve despised him more than now after watching that video. It is embarrassing to be an American right now. Some day soon I’d like to travel to Europe but I’d be really embarrassed to do so right now.
I have a trip planned for Helsinki, Tallinn, and Barcelona this summer. I might have to buy some maple leafs for my luggage…
WTF are you talking about. How many more on both sides need to die or be gravely wounded to satisfy your grotesque definition of tough. So many people sooo tough when they are sending others to their death. It’s ghoulish and sick. This conflict stops the second American companies are digging for those minerals. VZ walked away from that thinking he could use the media to strong arm Trump to sign a security agreement that was never happening. As I pointed out in another link the UK doesn’t even have enough ordinance to defend themselves. Let them and the EU sign a security agreement. We don't have enough bullets, top general admits.
America elected a Putin lackey and shill. This is not a surprise - we knew that. We knew he stole classified documents and refused to return them. We saw him try to not peacefully transfer power. We knew this. This is what we voted for - a criminal. This is who we are.
And their seriously trying to address the shortfall. Mentioned it in another post European defense contractors would be great investments right now. UK ramps up defence budget and Europe's 'fight for peace' Prime Minister sets out biggest sustained increase in defence spending since the Cold War, protecting British people in new era for national security And it's not just the UK Macron Proposes Boosting France’s Military Spending to 5% of GDP Germany weighs massive defense spending deal before far right can block it – POLITICO Sweden boosts defense spending to handle a ‘wartime situation’ – POLITICO Sweden to boost defence spending by $1.3 bln in 2025 Politics of War Color Poland’s Record Defense Spending Italy to buy 25 extra F-35 fighter jets under new budget
Hopefully the bs from Trump and Vance today galvanizes the EU to support Ukraine and they all cut us out. Kudos to Zelensky for standing his ground and not backing down today.