That United States cared about protecting and spreading Western Liberal Democracy and we were willing to provide the security for it to proliferate. Yes, there was most certainly something in it for us. Free trade is a wonderful thing and we grew rich on its principals and by having the only functioning modern state for a while. But now it's haaaard. Others are challenging us and it's not faaaair. They're cheating! Or so I've been told. Our society is crumbling and lost its way. Or so I've been told. The only logical thing is to cast aside the ideas of the Western world and fight fire with fire! If you want to beat totalitarians, you gotta be a totalitarian. This is what alphas do. If it weren't for the betas and the lessers amongst us, we'd have never ended up here to begin with.
I'm not sure who believed this stuff, but I would imagine there are plenty of people who said the right things that are relieved they dont have to go through the motions any more. We've brought home what we used to "spread democracy" abroad - eradication of anything liberal or left coded (might be commies), undermining individual liberties and press freedoms, corruption, privatization schemes/shock doctrine, extralegal violence, suppression of dissent, etc. The veil is fully off when it comes to American power, and even us Americans are getting a taste of how "regime change" works now.
How long until you admit that trumps actions are hurting America? He is not helping you. He is only helping billionaires. Go back under your bridge.
What's with the "c'mon man," bill? You don't think Trump and Putin are capable of behind-the-scene planning?
sounds like we’ll keep supplying armaments, which Ukraine desperately needs. But we haven’t heard of the large “drawdowns” announced under trump.
We don't completely align on the topic, but I will wholeheartedly agree that the US hasn't always acted out of altruism - to say the least. Regardless of the severity of the misdeeds we employed to combat competing ideologies, we're now being told it's time to abandon the principles that got us to the very place we're supposed to want back - and instead adopt principles that have never brought a populace what we want back ("we" being those that are believing the ruse). It's nonsensical, yet mindbogglingly effective.
There's no letting the Trumps of the world off the hook, but his path was paved by people who said all the right things about the 'rules based international order' and then worked to exempt the US, Israel and other client states from those rules in the name of "national security." Being 'well-meaning' in your violation of the rules was quite often just cover for the naked displays of self-interest the Trumps have learned you can get away without the "well-meaning" part. While it is jarring to trade late 20th century technocratic imperialism for a cruder 19th century model, it is nonetheless imperialism.
Listened to a podcast today with a guy who’s put together international treaties. He said this document is astonishing for its brevity, lack of specifics and overall vagueness. He thinks it’s a joke.
As I said, we don't totally align on the matter, but what I'm attempting to get at is the messaging that's supporting the changing zeitgeist - I'm not seeking to understand motivations and opportunities. Those I get
/s/ Chicom puppet party cheerlesder for the last 4 years when his puppet was... *in charge * (LMAO!!! Can't even type that shit with a straight face... Doh! charge... LOLOLOLOL(oser)!!!!)
Mo' Lefty projection... All I do on here is have a little fun--especially amidst y'all's daily foaming at the mouth, fist clenching, teeth gnashing daily Trumpgasms... Lol!
What an ass. Trying to impress his daddy more than musketeers. Embarrassing for him and for America. Front lead in Russia. Wtf MAGA? You good with this? JD will never accomplish anything with any of our traditional allies.