If there's a draft you better believe there's gonna be a lot of recently, newly self-realized, transgenders.
Draft dodger threatens rhe livelihood of patriots who want to serve their country. Fake patriots who parrot lies about a lie-motivated attack on our country applaud. Trump's America.
Fun transgender facts I learned from Steve Sailer: Transgenderism may be a social contagion like TikTok tics or rapid onset Tourette's syndrome. . The New York Times started celebrating it in 2013 by standing up for Fallon Fox's right to beat up women. At the top of the DEI "privilege pyramid" are black women and transgenders Most late transitioning M to F transgenders never felt like a little girl inside. Politically they are usually center-right with relatively high IQ's (~128 per 1 study). Most of these late transitioners suffer from a sexual fetish, autogynephilia. They are masculine straight men who fantasize about being a lesbian making love to a woman. The press covers this up
Based on what we've seen from the "vaunted" Russian military, they'd probably kick their asses. What a bunch of losers. Can't even beat a country they outnumber 10-to-1. Well done Shoigu. Hope the mansion was worth it.
I’m curious if you believe that’s an accurate number. I, too, have seen reporting along those lines, usually from sources with a bias against this decision. But for some perspective, I command a brigade of about 1100 Soldiers, and a have one Soldier who is likely to be affected by this policy. One. And that is in the California Guard in a brigade that is not ground combat arms. Further, during a division meeting last week it came to light that none of the other three division brigades or the headquarters have Soldiers that would be affected by this policy. So while that is hardly scientific, it suggests we are talking about a very low number here. My guess is at the end of the day no more than 200 service personnel will be separated under this policy, and if you read the terms of the separation, they are pretty generous.
the worst place these mentally ill people who think they can somehow change their gender is in the military
I’m curious which “side” has the greater incentive to make it seem like a large number? Surely 200 could never be seen as an operational issue for the military under any circumstances.
In my opinion, a number as high as 15,000 makes it sound like this would be at least disruptive if not have a direct operational impact on the armed forces. To accept that argument, I’d have to be made to understand how the armed forces ever worked for the 200+ years the current policy was in effect before the brief interlude from 2021-2024.