Official language of the United States | USAGov I saw it reported that Trump will sign an executive order making English the official language of the US. Currently, there is no "official langauge" but 32 states have designated English as the official language of the state.
Well he doesnt put much thought into anything, but he's not the one writing or executing these orders either.
This is something I've heard conservatives talk about for decades, so I think its fan service more than owning the libs. Whatever the case its an executive order, not a law.
Depending on its practical application, this EO could have significant consequences for non-English speakers. A lot of information is printed in multiple languages to accommodate these persons, including medical and educational. If it's just symbolic, no real problem I can think of.
You should ask yourself…why wouldn’t you like for English to be our official language. And also, why does this bother you?
I wonder, how this will work for the LEGAL immigrants that have to pass a test just to become an American citizen. Since if you are born here knowing English is no problem, but those that came here and supposedly Americanized or Assimilated into living here and speaking English on a daily basis. Will these newcomers have to take all their driving exams and voting ballots in English? I sure hope that's part of all this. If you had to pass an exam in English to become an American citizen then you should also be able to read in English and that goes for driver's licensing (all road signed are in English) and voting. No more need to have ballots and driving exams in some other language... other than in English.
Yeah, English has been the official language of the State of Florida since the 80's. I doubt there is a political appetite for it, but even if the legislature were to pass laws restricting multilingual ballots, for example, there would almost certainly be legal challenges under Federal law. Statutes & Constitution :Constitution : Online Sunshine SECTION 9. English is the official language of Florida.— (a) English is the official language of the State of Florida. (b) The legislature shall have the power to enforce this section by appropriate legislation. History.—Proposed by Initiative Petition filed with the Secretary of State August 8, 1988; adopted 1988.
I missed this previous story: Within hours of President Donald Trump’s inauguration, the new administration took down the Spanish-language version of the official White House website. The site — currently — now gives users an “Error 404” message. It also included a “Go Home” button that directed viewers to a page featuring a video montage of Trump in his first term and on the campaign trail. The button was later updated to read “Go To Home Page”. Hispanic advocacy groups and others expressed confusion at the abrupt change and frustration at what some called the administration’s lack of efforts to maintain communication with the Latino community, which helped propel him to the presidency. *** Asked about the changes, White House principal deputy press secretary Harrison Fields responded Tuesday that the administration is “committed to bringing back online the Spanish translation section of the website.”
I dont think speaking English should be a requirement for citizenship as the time taken in learning a language would create a huge backlog. I would rather see some sort of backend requirement for learning English. Maybe incentives of some sort? No idea. I just think requiring it creates a whole new set of problems.