I was seated on the other side behind the basket so couldn’t get a clear look in real time but I heard there was a ridiculously obvious moving screen which freed up the Caine guy who hit the 3 to take the lead which ended up being for good. Said not only was it a moving screen but the guys was shuffling his feet while doing it like an offensive lineman. Anyone have a clip?
The ref on the end of the court watched the entire interaction between Will Richard and the pup, so it must not have been a foul.
This is an accurate statement. Even watching the "play" develop the screener was directing traffic to set up the moving pick. He even put his hands up with elbows out like an O lineman as he shuffled his feet.
Though I would love to put this on Pat Adams… I honestly don’t think you’d get that call very often. Yes, it was the screen that ultimately sprung the shooter. But it was way off the ball, with a lot of other court traffic and movement happening. Technically- yup, foul. Just not one I’d expect to stand out and be called.
I could see it if it was a rub much like two WRs in a crossing pattern or scissors play. As you know in basketball if a rub happens and the offensive player is moving to the basket then no foul. But when you see the setup and movement towards the defender instead of towards the basket, there was clear intent what he was doing and done very poorly. I get many picks are set on the backside of the play for a shooter rolling behind the defense that are missed but this was right in the center of the court. Any of the 3 officials could have called it. Plus the screener was even directing traffic before his move to the defender. Sure directing traffic isn't a foul but the man made sure to setup the pick so the refs should have known the action coming. Instead the moving pick was ignored. As paidinfull said what does it matter now. Maybe we will send the replay and ask for better attention in our next game. Like that ever works. For what its worth I thought Kirby Smart should get that kid on the football team for making such a good block and staying in front of the tackler.
Yeah, it wasn’t called and can’t be overturned at this point so it doesn’t really matter. It’s easy to get wrapped up in one of those last second calls, but we shouldn’t have been in the position for that call to make a difference. We are a much better team and if we’d played up to our standard we could beat both the refs and the mutts handily. Definitely thought the game was poorly officiated, as most of them are, but we are good enough that we should have been able to overcome it. Other than that call at the end, I can’t think of anything else that caused a big momentum swing. Certainly nothing that caused a 26 pt deficit.
In all fairness, Godfrey's father played football for Georgia, so maybe he picked up the blocking schemes from him. I love how the announcer says "they leave him open for 3." Yeah, that's what happened. We just left him open.
This. He totally looks like a football hold while blocking with a move. I completely missed that. They had just brought him in and I knew it was for the 3 and we shoulda been on him harder anyway but even with the moving pick he almost got to him. Ugh that makes me mad as that win woulda been historic.
What!? The whole purpose of a screen is to keep someone off the ball but you can’t move like a block or he woulda been on the ball. That would have been called in a high school game. Did you watch it? He was being blocked by a moving for seconds and he still almost got there.
Yeah and came back and took a lead that we shoulda finished. Never understood when people say we shoulda won because we’re that good but stuff happens. The killer instinct showed by coming back from the much of a deficit. That was pure will and confidence.
I think @gatorade said it best… “Clearly a moving screen intended to spring the shooter, but one that is rarely called.” I don’t think you understand what I meant by “off the ball”. I think the “foul” was away from the action enough that it didn’t draw the officials’ attention. Many of the illegal screens you will see called are those right on the ball or very near. They simply draw more attention.
As we all know with basketball a foul that might be called earlier in the game sometimes is not called when the game is on the line under a minute to go. It is frustrating and has always been an issue in the sport but for some reason officials have the mentality that they don't want to blow a foul to determine an outcome unless it is egregious so they let things go and this play is a great example of that.
He was also very clearly grabbed. Richard isn't the problem here. He had an outstanding game. The only Gator that seemed to care in the first half too. I don't put this on him. I put it on home cooking in a close loss. Let's see how they respond tomorrow. I'm very interested to see if we bounce back against a very good and physical team.