I responded to an analogy. I didnt make one. But I am not sure you are accurate with yours. Cutting a large workforce by 10% doesnt always mean you have too few on the field. (So to speak). Corporations do this all the time for efficiency. To be clear, I have no idea if this is a good or bad move. I just dont think any folks complaining actually know either and I do know our government is one of the most bloated and inefficient institutions on earth.
Appreciate the thought. I feel very good about what we are doing to improve our community. From during the Biden admin to now. A little over a month in to Trump’s second go. Oh also through previous admins as well. I will admit that when younger I paid way too much attention and gave way too much energy to the political nonsense.
I have been a senior executive at several of the largest companies in the US. I have gone through many layoff periods. Not once did the CEO/HR/consultant fire a single person on my team. Many times i have been given a budget by the CEO and had to find a way to get to the budget with the least amount of disruption. I selected the reductions with full knowledge of what each role accomplished and which ones I could get by without. Every reduction was done with a study or analysis outlining the tradeoffs of service for efficiency/savings or what process improvements were needed to not lose service. That's not what is happening here and anyone with 1 second in leadership would know that. I have not been critical of Trump's approach with Defense. He gave them a target and said "get back to me with your plan". That is a rational approach.
No it's the same as cutting the draft class if your last 2 years. This includes first, second and third rounders
Is community the right word for a group half filled with people you view as whiny children whose concerns cause you to laugh out loud? Trump supporters continually accuse liberals of minimizing the plight of other Americans, but seem to have no interest in taking their advice. I am only familiar with the experience of a small lot of the country, but these sudden measures have caused actual stress and changes to the lives of many of my friends. If this effect is a feature, and not a bug, I’d say winning is an higher priority than helping.
This move is really gonna blow back on Trump. With reduced staffing, it's going to be even easier for Soros' scientists to guide hurricanes into red counties.
Look I understand what you are saying. I do. But if you think that we probably would be just fine without 10% of most government employees, would simply disagree. I understand the reflex to disagree or distrust Trump./Musk. Because I do as well. But everything they do won't be bad. In fact as a conservative, IF they are actually going to shrink government, then I am all ears. I do think they should slow roll this stuff and create a *temporary* plan to help these people find new work. (Maybe some incentives to businesses that fire them to their first job after?) But NOAA is a technology organization. It seems fewer people would be needed as AI and tech take over weather forecasting. All I am asking is for us all to try (hard I know) to look at some of this stuff objectively. It's like the air travel threads A lack of ATC wasn't the issue with the near miss the other day, but many jumped to that conclusion.... because....Trump.
If they "slow rolled" it they would have to go through congress and do it you know, legally. They are just breaking things and hoping it all works out.
I think a better analogy would be like the NFL training camp. They start with 100 and have to get to a number by the time the season starts. I'm not sure what the actual number is, 48 maybe?
I believe the point being made is that the current decision makers don't know if it's a good move or a bad move either....just a slash without proper thought or analysis. And while the work force may be bloated, the proper way to address the issue is identifying where the excess exists and eliminate it. Putting on a clown show with a chainsaw and mass firings to entertain the mindless horde is not remotely the intelligent approach to resolve any issue....and likely will ony serve to create new issues that will probably be cost more money than was saved by these cuts. People keep referencing corporate cuts. Successful companies evauate their work force and make intelligent decisions. They don't ask for a 5 bullet point email or similar nonsense.
I’m fully on board with cutting fat and making government more efficient through new processes and technology. 100% on board. What I’m critical of is how they’re blindly slashing across the board without actually understanding needs because it affects not only dedicated workers but support services for all citizens and can have irreversible impacts to health and safety. In other words it’s the process I have a problem with, not the attempt. The process is documented so we can comment with knowledge that they’re not doing this in a strategic by need manner, nor employing technology as it’s impossible to implement and roll out that quickly.
And the talented folks that get caught up in these blanket reductions are never coming back to government after this. I hope their AI is good. Cause the workforce is getting dumber.