if more unions and state investment funds did this they could make a difference. I'm sure there is more than one short fund that would join in. Teacher union head taking fight to Elon Musk through Tesla stock American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten is urging top Tesla investors to review the company’s current valuation on behalf of her union’s members. Weingarten, who heads one of the largest unions in the country, penned a letter Thursday pointing to drops in Tesla’s stock price, latest financial disclosures, electric vehicle (EV) competition and “deterioration” of brand as reasons for the review. “Given these mounting concerns and the potential material impact on pension fund portfolios, I would appreciate a response detailing your firm’s assessment of Tesla’s current valuation and the steps you are taking to protect AFT members who are your clients and beneficiaries,” Weingarten said at the end of the letter. The letter was sent to the CEOs of six asset managers, with the Tesla board and Elon Musk copied onto the message. In the letter, Weingarten goes directly after Musk, saying he is a big reason people are losing trust in Tesla. “According to the American EV Jobs Alliance, EV swing consumers—those open to EVs once costs drop—view Musk negatively, making customer expansion even harder. Just last week, Stifel analyst Stephen Gengaro declared that Tesla’s net favorability is at an all-time low at 3 percent, down from 9 percent in January 2024,” Weingarten wrote.
Did you laugh when Desantis attempted the same thing regarding Florida pension plans and Bud Light? How about their attack on Target related to pension plans?
Meh. How about the “Lady” that was arrested with explosives outside a Tesla dealership. Half cocked idea.
Wife is an educator so we receive the 'NEA Today' magazine. That thing makes the Communist Manifesto look like it was written by John Birch.
So incredibly short sighted. Sure. Short the stock and artificially drive it down. Then Elon can purchase shares and make another bundle on the way back up.
One thing about educators . . . we are convicted and there are a whole lotta us. Poke that bear = FAFO.
I believe that Ed is second biggest lobbying group behind pharmaceutical, or at least it used to be. That includes higher ed. It's why Obama couldn't reform the for profit college scam. But that group likely lives concept of national voucher
Not sure what your second & third sentences mean. You think the for-profit institutions are part of the teachers' unions? Maybe they are, but I don't get that from my communications. Completely confused by the 3rd sentence.
Lobbying by higher ed prevented the reform that Obama proposed to get rid of the scam colleges. Too much money in them. Employed too many people Higher ed lobbying numbers likely lumped for profit and not for profit into one category even though they have different agendas
Interesting. I don't see any connection between for-profits and state universities or even private universities for that matter. Maybe I'm missing it. My view is that the for-profits tend to offer a lesser product and greater grift. Again, maybe I'm missing it. From my perspective, higher ed tends to get the $hit end of the stick of state support when compared to P12. The unions and state agencies feel that the colleges are so high up that they don't need/deserve support. We see it in our state orgs, but they can be selective/good ole boy about which institutions they will include on agendas. As a microcosm of the phenomenon, and I'd be interested if @docspor and @slayerxing experienced similar. . . the minute I earned the doctorate, I became an outsider - less trusted by students, state leaders, and even family members. It's a mass insecurity blanket that gets cast.
The only people that respect phds anymore are people who want phds and other phds. I don’t even include my phd in my signature anymore to keep a low profile. Which helps. In so far as funding, the state of Florida basically gives UF money like it’s their job. So much money. The other institutions in Florida not as much. The state is all in on Uf no matter what stupid shit they say out loud in the media. Of course that means they expect us to be good and play ball as well…
well at least they don't expect great ball, or even good ball as 17 - 17 seems to be acceptable as long as we keep our professors free speech in check