what a refreshing change after the last 4 years where Jill Biden conducted some of the Cabinet meetings- not that Biden held very many cabinet meetings and Trump invited the press https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/trump-administration-news-02-26-25/index.html
Yeah doing his job, that is a welcome sight. Please inform us when he takes a shit or flosses his teeth. Must be tiredsome glazing over any politician, but dear leader is the best, eh comrade.
"President Trump, with a historically low approval rating, slams America" Trump calls America 'fat and disgusting.' What leadership! | Opinion "......Who can forget Reagan's classic 'America sucks' speech"
Why is Elon there. Giving the marching orders. Looks like Trump is on his phone, probably tweeting, I mean xing
Wonder if this group of unqualified toads has to compliment him at staff meetings, like the last group did... "I loves you so much, Donald Trump! You put your makeup on so well, and you rape so good! And you were the bestest ever on The Apprentice! "
Starting to think since the President is an empty suit the Democrats run Michelle, and we get Obama standing behind her for 8 years giving orders.
You're still used to Biden's nap time. When a real leader leads, you get restless and uncomfortable. Got it. Turn off your TV and tune out... we won't miss your riveting opinions of our President
Never voted for Biden. I don't place any politician on a pedestal, they are all trash. Trump is just the worst of them all. And it is not his policies that makes him that. He is just a moral corrupt man and only thinks about himself and how he is projected. Again, "his" policies are not all garbage. But rulling from revenge and spite is POOR leadership.