Apples Strawberries Bannanas Peaches Watermelons Raisins Cherries Spinach Potatoes Shrimp Crab Legs Black Tea Black Coffee hey, Mr. No Credibility, so you are saying you never consume any of the above so you can avoid ingesting fluorine?
Dentists association seems to pretty overwhelmingly say “why not do both?”. I think if people brush 3x a day and do fluoride rinse it probably doesn’t matter for them. But as with most things, not every kid lives a privileged life where these things get provided. Hell not everywhere even has water utilities, rural populations tend to not, except perhaps kids in schools drinking from water fountains. The dental association who opposed the Utah law stated it saves 20:1 on cost of dental work vs the cost to have fluoride in the water. They state this even though they’d stand to gain from increased dental issues without the fluoride.
Are there any studies that show how much fluoride remains in your mouth over time based on drinking styles and quantities? I've seen one that shows this for fluoride rinses, but never one that measures just fluoride content from water. The CDC says "Fluoridated water bathes teeth with a low level of fluoride throughout the day," but this information seems dubious based on the reduction effect from high concentrations of fluoride as measured from the mouth wash studies. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
The funniest part of this whole story is that Utah already had a law allowing local authorities to determine whether or not to add fluorine. By passing this law at the state level, they have done the EXACT thing actual Republicans used to complain about in taking away local authority.
This quote seems applicable in so many threads: "I've noticed a lot of anti-government people have become very pro-government in their efforts to get their government to get government out of our lives" -Doug Stanhope
Oh, 100%. It's plain to see for those with eyes to see it. Those that choose to not see it are either willfully blind or hope for complete control. Because no one would want so much authority in the hands of their political opponents.
Within five years and possibly sooner dentists in Utah will be treating more dental caries than they have in well over 50 years.
The science is changing on fluoride. I do not think there is a right or wrong position on this right now. Shoot most of Europe does not put fluoride in their water. The question is coming down to how it affects the gut and microbiome and are the risks greater than the benefits. I have no issue with Dr. Ladapo's guidance in Florida based on the science and reasoning. Especially considering he is in line with plenty of other countries and apparently Utah lol. Unfortunately it becomes political to some. Like many here on Too Hot.
And that may be the reason that the incidence of dental carries is higher in Europe than in the US. Interestingly the countries with the lowest incidence of dental carries are poorer Third World countries in which the consumption of food and especially snacks with added sugar is very low. Top Countries Have the Lowest Prevalence of Cavities
You are onto something with sugar. The question that should be investigated is whether the risks outweigh the benefits. Eating less sugar and brushing your teeth are going to do far more that adding fluoride into the water. Now if the science says the fluoride benefits more than it harms. Then absolutely recommend it. The research needs to continue.