You are absolutely correct, the home is a disgusting cocktail of germs and disease waiting to happen. Which is why I have my wife use the air-lock and decontamination system I've built into my office to deposit my meals into. Otherwise I travel the house in a full NBC suit and sleep in a hermetically sealed plastic bubble, because you can't be too careful!
Soup to nuts on the bird flu fraud and why I wouldn’t be afraid to kiss a chicken but it wouldn’t accord with my tastes, to each his own … Avian Flu – ViroLIEgy
Sure, unlike viruses, bacteria are easily observed under microscope. So the pertinent question is what is their function ? Every time you happen upon a fire you see fire fighters. Do logically it’s the fire fighters who start the fires, right ?
Your ineptitude as an internet scientist cracks me up sometimes. The CDC never said that you wouldn't get Covid if you always stayed 6 feet away from everyone, they simply stated that your risk could be lowered. The CDC also never said that you wouldn't get Covid if you donned a mask, they simply stated that the risk of bi-directional transmission could be lowered.
Hey, weren’t you going to school me on Koch’s Postulates (as if I’d never heard of them) or was that just bluster ?
And the cdc totally made up that BS about distance. Seriously just made it up. And people still think it worked lol!
So the virus didn’t know when it was in school and to infect within 3 feet and then magically become infectious at 6 feet when outside of school?
I should have added the cdc totally pushed BS propaganda with the masking BS! Seriously…doctors and healthcare workers knew in real time how stupid the masking BS was! But so many fell for it.
The CDC recommended social distancing at 6 feet to help combat the transmission of Covid. The 6 foot radius recommendation was based on scientific studies that showed that the further people distanced themselves from other people, the less likelihood of bi-directional transmission. But you're right, the 6 foot social distancing was somewhat arbitrary, but the tenet was that the further you are away from other folks, the lesser the chance to become infected. The CDC never stated that one would never get Covid infection if they maintained a 6ft buffer from other people. I'm an oral surgeon; my BS is in Microbiology and Immunology from UF, so I am well versed in Virology and Epidemiology. Why does your wife wear a facemask when she does procedures with patients?
I am just glad as an Oral Surgeon you were willing to own the 6 foot BS is just that…BS! And spare me the BS about wearing a mask in the clinical setting doing a procedure verse normal settings (including an exam room). You are better than that as a Doctor!
I am way better than you and your internet charlatan wannabe degree. I am willing to bet that you and your wife disagree whether wearing a mask is effective against bi-directional disease transmission; I bet that topic is verboten...
Then, why does your wife wear a mask when she's seeing patients? Does she don a mask because she knows that it helps prevent bi-directional transmission of bacterium and viruses or just because the State Dental Act requires it?
Why do you keep trying to imply wearing a mask during a procedure and being directly in someone’s mouth is the same thing as sitting down and talking to someone?