Immigrants are also necessary for the economy to function. We need to acknowledge that. Years back under the first Trump admin, I read about a massive slaughter house in Texas that got raided and almost all of their workers rounded up, 100s as I recall. The owner said he ran an ad, looking for new legal workers, offering higher salaries, and got just one application… That rancher probably voted for Trump 3 times…. We need to increase the foreign work programs until the supply meets the demand, then we can mostly agree on deporting the people who bypass the program and enter illegally.
My wife attended a landscape nursery growers conference last week. She said all 3 out of 3 major points of conversation were related to immigration reform and no workers in Florida and how the industry is in a tough spor. And most everyone in the industry votes right. Congrats, y'all played yourself.
"As you will no doubt recall, Americans never ate meat until immigrants flooded in to take meat-processing jobs that Americans won't do, sometime around 1990."--Steve Sailer
I talked to a guy who runs a big pop-up nursery every spring and fall in Jacksonville. He also advises others on how to get started. His advice: Hire Mexicans or don't bother.
You want to catch Sheep Head or Black Drum around fenders crickets are the best bait after scraping the barnacles. Crickets!
Ever read Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle," written in 1906? Immigrants were working in the meat industry then too.
Cmon Bluke. Don't stoop to their level here. My defense of him is an honest one. He doesnt need me to defend him. I do It because It's the right thing to do. His moderating is right down the middle and he is no more left than any other liberal poster. And he certainly doesn't stoop to the level of some of our Maga posters or crazy libby types. Dont drink the Gator Chatter Kool aid. That stuff is poison.
My family is 4 generation Fence contractors and I ran my own business for 15 years. And could have been as good an SEC coach as Muschamp if given the chance so I can relate to your buddy.
Ft. Collins is a great place to be in the fence biz. I've been here 20 years & replaced mine 3 times & had major repairs many times. &, tonight it is super windy again....just went out & put huge rocks on & around my grill which keeps getting blown around the yard.
Kind of humorous since I know several trumpsters that have cleaning ladies, 2 that have nannies, everybody that has a pool and one good old boy that owns a construction company. Try again.
What is the primary criterion for measuring a mod? …whether he/she deletes or edits posts proportionally? I do not care about that at all…although I guess it’s nice to hear. My thinking is that mods set the tone of the board. They have the power and ability to keep the discussion in the lanes. I do not think River does a good job in this respect. He comes across just as condescending as many of the rest of the democrats on the board. I think Tilly and Oklahoma do keep it mostly fair, honest and stimulate discussion. And, Tilly and OKlahoma don’t always side with the right…which gives you two more credibility.
It makes them more centrist... credibility is hard to find in a politically charged forum. "Credibility" is more biased in nature than most people think... it's in the eye of the beholder. It can often be subjective and not objective.
Welcome to the club. Mine was "over the top". Apparently I need to work harder at staying under the top. I have been diagnosed as retarded by a Whitey Rightey in another thread in a post that was not deleted. I was going to test whether I could get away with calling Whitey retarded, but was fairly certain that it would be over the top. Sad that the forum has degenerated to such idiocy.