I hope he nails the bastard- he said for over 4 years the russian hoax was real and he had seen the proof- now that jo was indeed a lie by Schiff Dan Bongino Put Adam Schiff on Notice: 'I'm Not Letting This Go' [WATCH]
Those responsible for spreading false allegations should not be allowed to escape accountability. Schiff is sleazy as hell.
Whatsa matter, Bill? Had to change your thread title to comply with TH rules? It's called "think before you post." Most of us really ARE trying for civility here, even when we don't agree.
This Russian cooperative effort with the Trump campaign? From bipartisan Senate Intelligence Comm. "The Committee's bipartisan Report unambiguously shows that members of the Trump Campaign cooperated with Russian efforts to get Trump elected. It recounts efforts by Trump and his team to obtain dirt on their opponent from operatives acting on behalf of the Russian government. It reveals the extraordinary lengths by which Trump and his associates actively sought to enable the Russian interference operation by amplifying its electoral impact and rewarding its perpetrators—even after being warned of its Russian origins. And it presents, for the first time, concerning evidence that the head of the Trump Campaign was directly connected to the Russian meddling through his communications with an individual found to be a Russian intelligence officer." I guess the radio jock is going to go after the Pub Senators? LOL
^ This. It's fascinating that to Trumpies the report from the Republican-led Senate intelligence committee.... .... seems to simply not exist. But let's go after Adam Schiff for speaking the truth, and/or going after flagrant un-American collusion with, or minimally tolerance of, foreign meddling in our election(s). We are truly living in a fact-free Trumpy bizarro-world. Murica.
In all fairness Bongo really is the smartest kid in the special ed class. Nothing to see here, it’s all performative like everything else in this MAGA circus.
What is wrong with you people?? You elected a CONVICTED FELON who has never NOT told lies. Where is that accountability?
Yawn. Schiff is probably as afraid as Hillary was. Hell, Hunter was apparently a criminal enterprise and all they charged him with was filling out a form and not filling out a form. lol. This incompetent administration couldn’t punish Jeffery Dahmer.
I’m torn. Shift vs Bongo, can’t they go up in flames together. Much better than trying to pick a winner.
/s/ gal who voted for the clown show that preceded the current admin, and Queen clown to continue the circus.... Lol! Yeah, you got cred...
Great. Polls show everyone thinks crime is getting worse and we have a fentanyl crisis. But instead, this conspiracy talking head with zero fbi experience wants to fabricate problems as fbi’s priority because Dear Leader told him to.