names and positions. it is the second part that cascades. and if this much was made public, what do you think the actual damage is?
depends what is meant by position. For example, my position is STEM Technical Leader. That doesnt really convey a whole lot. Now if I said my position was STEM technical leader for XXXXXX, then thats a different story. I have no idea what they sent out but historically, what is presented by the media tends to be over dramatic because, thats their job...get eyes on their story. And then all the outlets start running with it and all of a sudden it becomes fact even though that may not be the case. Happens all the time.
"Accountability is now. What is accepted becomes expected. Poor performance no longer acceptable." GatorFanCF, sat, 9:07am. So, is this not cheerleading or are pubs not BIG GOV? Surely, someone who believes "Poor performance no longer acceptable." would NOT need this incident to be calling for firings at DOGI & other places.
attache to the ag rep at the moscow embassy cook at the iranian embassy translator at .... not hard from there to identify who was there before, who they were in contact with, where they frequented, where they are now, who they are talking with now.......or you can drink the koolaid and act like none of this is happening and the ornage man will protect us all
OTOH, this might be the best time to cripple the intelligence community. The biggest threat against the U.S. lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C.--we know that. We just have to focus on neutralizing the cult that worships this lowlife and helping the cult members recover their sanity and intellect. Pitfalls To Cult Recovery Working with cult survivors Psychotherapy with Former Cult Members.