It's true. The current Democratic party is incompetent at messaging. The current Republican party is incompetent at governing.
You're so funny. That was a republican conference. Your OP is off topic. From the same Republican Conference: Speaking Saturday to a conference of traditionalist Republicans, the Dallas Mavericks owner and serial entrepreneur suggested Trump merits slim admiration as he continues to hock anything that will slap his name on it, from cryptocurrency to clothing to the U.S. government itself. “The only reason someone sells all that shit is because they have to,” Cuban trolled. “Elon doesn’t give a shit,” Cuban said. “He’s, like, ‘F— it, I’ll be rich no matter what.’” “Chaos is not good for this country,” Cuban warned. “There's no amount of money that overcomes that.”
Regardless. Is he wrong? Democrats love to shoot the messenger when the message is correct. At least you are consistent.
Is that same conference that had to evacuate after a bomb threat? The conference that the proud boys called out as treasonous?
A non democrat said, at a republican conference, that Dems were unable to message how bad Trump was. And somehow you think that reflects badly on dems? LOL. Great one. Your title is wrong. Your post is wrong. Your conclusion is wrong. Other than that you got it all right my man.
Yeppers. Bomb threat sent to anti-Trump conference singles out officer who tangled with ex-Proud Boys leader | US politics | The Guardian
I could give two shits about his political comments, but I would enjoy his honest opinion on the trade.
Because the Democrats did such a good job of governing. Afghanistan exit. Starting the war in Ukraine. Opening the border and putting illegals on welfare. Doing nothing to cut spending. Backing Marxist genocidal maniacs in Ethiopia. Spending money on boondoggle after boondoggle. "Well put"? If you say so...
Yep, you either unquestioningly support the emperor or you are a radical leftist communist who hates America. BS, of course, but here we are.
Being "incompetent" at selling a message to a poorly educated population is nothing to be ashamed of. The illiterates need to wise up. Too many brain-dead people in MAGA hats will believe anything that Trump tells them, and that is the problem. Cult. Of. Personality. Trump is a mentally-deficient president, in addition to being a morally deficient human being. He doesn't have any answers to problems; his answer is to burn down government instead of reform it. And he's burning down the country in the process. You'll see. You will turn on Trump before he finishes this term. It may be when you lose your job, or Trump gets us involved in an unnecessary hot war, or jacks up inflation to double digits. We have never had a clown of Trump's magnitude in the Oval Office before. If the tariff wars continue to escalate, we may see a new Great Depression. Maybe you'll turn on Trump on your first day in a soup line. Right-wingers love to shoot everyone who disagrees with them. That's why there are so many yes-men among the MAGA faithful as well as the Trump admin. It's also why they are incapable of learning anything. I almost called you a republican, but that's an insult to all intelligent republicans (like myself).