I am not back tracking. There have been numerous studies that masks filter pathogens because they find them in the masks! You also did not consider their use for splashes of potential blood borne pathogens, and fluids like sneezes producing "droplets", and other bodily fluids. You don't seem to understand that pathogens travel, at least in part, in the moisture in our breath. They do not travel by themselves. How effective they are is another matter, but it is clear that they reduce the amount of pathogens others are exposed to - both in liquid droplet down to aerosol form (because a mask becomes saturated with moisture after some period of time and probably limits aerosol transmission - which is the least likely route of transmission after droplets and fomites) https://www.medpagetoday.com/special-reports/exclusives/92564 There was also, at the time of COVID, no standard definition for sizes of "droplet" and "aerosol" or even the meaning of the term "airborne". This is what led to some of the confusion about transmission routes. How did we get here: what are droplets and aerosols and how far do they go? A historical perspective on the transmission of respiratory infectious diseases - PMC
Me to the bar tender: order that guy at the end of the bar another drink, it won't affect his input at all.....
Sure dude, that's why my dentist is in a face mask with shield whenever he's in a patient's mouth. But go ahead and run your own science experiment for all I care, just remember - as you get older, you become more vulnerable. It's the way of things apparently - call it replacement theory.
Only two problems with this … (1) there is no scientific evidence for viruses. (2) bacteria are garbage collectors, not harmful in themselves.
This post is exactly why the internet was best left to scientists. When it found its way into the hands of ignorant people, it let the ignorant network and spread ignorance ... like a virus. Then they mutated from Tea Party to MAGA and now Authoritarian Dictatorship. Bravo! Well done! Thanks Al Gore!
No scientist worth his salt would issue such a lazy, rote response, let alone imply that counter-assertions be marginalized. He’d produce some sort of evidence. Reminder: you and Trump are alike virus believers and germaphobes.
I guess you've never heard of endless electron microscope polaroids, laboratory experiments isolating, replicating, and studying viruses, and the vaccines produced from them which wouldn't work if there was no such thing as a virus. I'll tell you what, if viruses do not exist - here's an experiment you can do: find a dying chicken suspected of being H5N1 infected, prop open its beak, and give it a big tongue kiss for 10 seconds. I mean, if you want to show how smart you are - you need to prove it with the scientific method. Maybe we can get some other people whose first language is clearly Russian to help you also.
Show me a picture of a virus and I’ll show you a picture of the Tooth Fairy. French-kissing a chicken may be your thing. I’ve always preferred humans. I once French-kissed a woman who was diagnosed with bronchitis the next day. I shared spitting space with thousands of people, during mass-derangement, and never got sick. I even drank out of the same glass as a man, dying with AIDS, at a time when Fauci warned that the disease could be spread through household contact. Just a sampling of my observational research. But even is I had gotten sick, that wouldn’t have proved a viral cause. Oh, and show me a picture of a virus and I’ll show you a picture of the Tooth Fairy … “SARS-COV-2” TEM Images: Game Over Sneak peek: polio never went away but was rather redefined, when the vaccine was introduced and also renamed as several maladies including GBS which is, wait for it … a potential adverse effect of vaccines! Your turn …
No need, you do your fringe shit and I'll stick to science. "Never argue with an idiot; they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."
LOL! Just want to make sure you protect your great virtue. You know you don’t need to mask. But keep up the ignorance of comparing clinical work and non clinical work. You look like a fool when you do.
Why because people can't be infected and wear a mask in a non-clinical setting and not spread virus in the droplets that would be launched across a room in a cough or a sneeze? Or maybe they wear the mask so the non-mask wearing peeps don't launch their viral laden droplets across a room? The only fool here is you, thinking that things that are effective in a clinical setting, wouldn't be equally effective in a non-clinical setting. You are clearly triggered by having to wear masks, so don't. I'm not wearing one either, there's no need - I work from home.
Science: a theoretical submicroscopic killing machine can travel 5’11” but not 6’ and can kill you when you’re walking into a restaurant but you’re safe when you’re seated and eating.
I am not triggered at all. I followed the science. Masks do not work. There is a reason you can’t refute this. I have shown you they don’t work. But you keep talking about surgery lol. And btw…if you really think they work. One of the most common places disease like this spread is the home. So make sure to be safe!