Co-President or President-in-Fact would be even more accurate than First Buddy. While Trump is the legally elected president, Elon is the guy actually running the government. Trump's priorities include making appearances at sporting events like the Super Bowl and the Daytona 500, playing golf and occasionally performing for the media.
Don't forget being fact checked by President Macron of France who placed an arm on Trump in mid-sentence and proceeded to trumpsplain him like the traitorous, doddering 78 year old shitty diaper wearing toddler that he is.
OMG. Advice from HHS: Don't respond but if you do please know your information will be read by malicious foreign actors.
Latest tweet from Musk, where he admits his "5 bullet points," email was worthless: "While not attacking any of Trump’s advisers by name, Musk slammed those who had blocked the request in an implicit rebuke of the president’s Cabinet nominees: “The email request was utterly trivial, as the standard for passing the test was to type some words and press send! … Yet so many failed even that inane test, urged on in some cases by their managers." He mad.
One of my brothers works for Bonneville Power Administration, a quasi-governmental agency that generates power and owns/maintains the distribution lines. He’s a Trump supporter so I know this story isn’t slanted against Trump. As he tells it the dumb MFers at DOGE this week literally tried to fire the employees that maintain the equipment. Ok, the “Dumb MFers” is my addition.
1. Canceled Ebola prevention 2. Laughed about it 3. Reversed stupid and dangerous action 4. Probably did other stupid stuff 5. Used a chainsaw prop to make fun of fired workers
Sorry you're being bullied and harassed like that, it sounds like something that may happen in N Korea.
Make sure you cc someone in random other departments and obscure locations every week to screw up their hierarchy tree map.