A list of all agents that DOGE could fire was sent over an insecure email. That lsit ahd first letter and last name of thousands of agents along with their positions Now Russia, China, Iran, et all know not only first initial and last name but, much more importantly, which positions where are actually CIA positions. Now they can look at who was in those same positions in all the years prior and target those people too. This has the potential to compromise decades worth of agents with one stupid email. You think some of these fired and/or compromised CIA agents might have bone to pick and a little bit of intel to pick it with? Now that's EFFICIENCY CIA scrambles after White House email compromises undercover officers' names: report The Central Intelligence Agency is conducting an assessment of their own security after a White House email about civil service layoffs appeared to compromise the names of certain undercover officers, reported CNN on Monday. .............. However, chaos erupted after the White House sent an email over an unclassified server suggesting the layoffs of a number of CIA employees who were on probationary status due to being recent hires — which may have included the first and last names of some undercover agents. Making matters worse, said the report, "some U.S. embassy positions that are actually filled by CIA officers under cover may now be at risk of being revealed — potentially angering the host nation and exposing companies or endangering CIA assets who are known to have met with past occupants of the role." One former CIA operative told CNN the following hypothetical: “Your predecessor was in that position, as were the five officers before them. Now the host country and adversaries know this person going to this position in the embassy is agency. They now assume the predecessors were the same [and] work backwards and find out their collective footprint. The position is now burned.” This is far from the only security risk that these intelligence layoffs potentially pose, said the report. In particular, another risk is that "mass firings and the buyouts already offered to staff risk creating a group of disgruntled former employees who might be motivated to take what they know to a foreign intelligence service."
Watch, the same people who thought Hillary should be hanged will make excuses for this non-government employee accessing highly classified info and sending it out on Gmail.
and anger our enemies and shut out intel from our allies now we have a domestic attack and domestic unrest due to cuts in social programs and economic disparity Im sure that Russia can muster up a false flag to blame it on Ukraine and Kashyap will blame it on whoever daddy says to yippeee kay ah - martial law - 4 more years
Also, it takes years to get an intelligence officer up to speed. Run those folks off and replace them with a bunch of wet behind the ears lackeys and what could possibly go wrong?
Elon and Tulsi were in a race to see who can get this to China and Russia the fastest. Looks like Elon won.
That’s why blocking is not a good thing. All it does is create an echo chamber of like minded comments from like minded people.
These seem like treasonable actions. Burning intelligence agents? Disseminating classified information?
This is just the DOGE failures & slip-ups we know about. No telling what they are doing with secure info or not properly maintaining. I’m sure Russia and China are doing everything they can to take advantage of this team.
Yo BIG GOV cheerleader @GatorFanCF you gonna tell us about accountability & how poor performance won’t be tolerated?
I see lots of “may” and “possible” but no actual facts other than the names of employees on probation were sent out. But media has to hype up the click bait story. Not sure why they would send out names of people. We send out employee IDs.
Sorry - I don’t accept your attempt at framing me with a misleading title. If all true as claimed in OP people should be held accountable and lose their jobs….even more so than was done in the execution of leaving Afghanistan. Oh, wait.
some people bring nothing of value to the conversation. as I age I have less tolerance for those with no interest for honest discussion.