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(SB) OGT: Sun Devil/GCU Classic February 21-23 in Tempe/Phoenix, Arizona

Discussion in 'GatorGrowl's Diamond Gators' started by MCB51, Feb 20, 2025.

  1. MCB51

    MCB51 Moderator VIP Member

    Nov 23, 2015
    Love your in person pbp..extra information and insight
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  2. ufjaz

    ufjaz GC Legend

    Jan 3, 2010
    Sahuarita AZ
    Top of 2nd Inning:
    Otis KcBKcKc strike out (low) 1 out
    Walsh grounder 2B 2 out
    Comia BBKcKcB grounder 2B 3 out

    Bottom of 2nd Inning:
    GCU#26 BKcBF grounder 2B 1 out
    GCU#11 BKs grounder 1B 2 out
    GCU#21 KcB liner single CF, off of Mia's glove tip
    GCU#1 grounder 2B FC, GCU#21 tagged 2B 3 out
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  3. ufjaz

    ufjaz GC Legend

    Jan 3, 2010
    Sahuarita AZ
    Top of 3rd Inning:
    Holtorf BB liner SS 1 out
    Falby grounder up the middle CF single, infield playing in
    Shumaker BBBKcB walk
    Erickson BBBKcB walk bases loaded
    Williams KcB grounder 3B error 1-0
    GCU#31 in to pitch
    Cahalan B grand slam HR LCF 5-0
    Otis KcB line single CF
    Walsh KcF ground 2B FC tag Otis 2 out, throw to first wide Walsh tripped rounding 1B returned safely (had a laugh)
    Comia grounder P 3 out

    Bottom of 3rd Inning:
    GCU#33 BFBB liner LF 1 out
    GCU#3 BFFBB soft liner SS 2 out
    GCU#9 grounder 3B 3 out
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  4. ufjaz

    ufjaz GC Legend

    Jan 3, 2010
    Sahuarita AZ
    Top of 4th Inning:
    GCU#4 in to pitch big girl, looks like Hammock
    Holtorf BKcBBFB walk
    Falby B, Holtorf stole 2B, BBKcFB walk
    Schumaker BKc grounder 1B 1 out
    Erickson BBBB walk
    Williams Kc grounder SS FC Holtorf out going home 2 out
    Cahalan BKcB grounder 1B 3 out

    Bottom of 4th Inning:
    GCU#99 grounder single RF
    GCU#17 grounder 2B double play (4-6-3) 2 out
    GCU#20 grounder 3B 3 out
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  5. ufjaz

    ufjaz GC Legend

    Jan 3, 2010
    Sahuarita AZ
    Top of 5th Inning:
    Otis BKcFB HR LF 6-0
    Walsh BKc, GCU#29 in to pitch, KcKs strike out 1 out
    Brown BKcFKs strike out 2 out
    Holtorf KcBFBFBKc strike out 3 out

    GCU#29 really looks good. GCU should have started her.

    Bottom of 5th Inning:
    GCU#11 B line single CF GCU#14 pinch run
    GCU#21 Kc(low), wild pitch,B, GCU#14 took 2B, F pop foul 3B 1 out
    GCU#1 single LF
    GCU#33 KcFKs strike out 2 out
    GCU#42 HR LF 6-3 the crowd goes wild
    GCU#9 BB grounder 2B throwing error
    GCU#99 FKcBBFFB, GCU#9 stole 2B, single CF, Falby muffed the ball otherwise that would have another Falby strike to home 3rd out DAMN 6-4
    GCU#17 , GCU#19 stole 2B, grounder 2B 3 out
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  6. ufjaz

    ufjaz GC Legend

    Jan 3, 2010
    Sahuarita AZ
    Top of 6th Inning:
    Falby BKcFB lined out LF 1 out
    Shumaker Kc fly CF 2 out
    Erickson KcBBBB walk
    Williams FBFF foul fly LF 3 out

    Bottom of 6th Inning:
    Brown into pitch. I didn't think Keagan was struggling but...
    GCU#26 KcBBFF double LF, GCU#16 pinch run
    GCU#11 BBKsKc grounder 3B 1 out
    GCU#21 KcBBFBKs strike out 2 out
    GCU#1 BKcBKcFKs strike out 3 out

    Brown looks comfortable
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 2
  7. ufjaz

    ufjaz GC Legend

    Jan 3, 2010
    Sahuarita AZ
    Top of 7th inning:
    Cahalan KcBF liner single LF
    Otis sac bunt 3B 1 out
    Walsh FBBF pop up 1B 2 out
    Brown KcBF grounder 1B 3 out

    GCU#29 is doing great

    Bottom of 7th Inning:
    GCU#33 KcB fly CF 1 out
    GCU#42 FKsFF grounder 3B 2 out
    GCU#9 grounder 3B 3 out

    Gators win
    6 6 0
    4 7 1
    • Winner Winner x 2
  8. ufjaz

    ufjaz GC Legend

    Jan 3, 2010
    Sahuarita AZ
    Summary: Gator's offense comes thru, but GCU#29 shut them down. That always makes me uneasy. GCU is a very good team. Respect.

    Keagan looked OK. The 3-run HR is not a good look. CTW must have seen something and put Ava in. She looked good - had control.

    GCU has nice facilities. I would go again (but pick a better hotel). I had fun.
    • Winner Winner x 2
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    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  9. MCB51

    MCB51 Moderator VIP Member

    Nov 23, 2015
    So in the game Red pitched..she looked good?
  10. ufjaz

    ufjaz GC Legend

    Jan 3, 2010
    Sahuarita AZ
    OK, beautiful morning at the ballpark. A decent Gator turnout - for a 9AM Sunday game - a few ISU fans. I didn't have any idea how good ISU was with a 6-6 record. Thought I saw their team batting average was .352. That's pretty good - let's see what we got here. What a fun game this turned out to be (for a Gator).

    Top of 1st Inning:
    Falby KsBBF grounder 3B single
    Shumaker Kc, Falby stole 2B, B grounder up the middle single
    Otis KcBBB double LF
    Erickson BBKcBB walk bases loaded
    Cahalan KcBKs double LF 3-0
    Williams HBP bases loaded
    ISU#45 in to pitch
    McLellan KcFBKc strike out 1 out
    Brown KcKcBB grounder 3B error 4-0
    Holtorf KcKcKc 2 out
    Falby BKs single LF 6-0
    Shumaker HBP
    Otis KcBKcBB liner single RF 8-0
    Erickson BKc, wild pitch, 9-0, KcF grounder 2B 3 out

    Bottom of 1st Inning:
    ISU#1 FFF grounder 3B error
    ISU#23 BBBKc grounder up the middle
    ISU#12 BBFB HR 9-3

    At this point I'm thinkin' maybe they are a good offense.

    ISU#25 KcKcKs strike out 1 out
    ISU#24 BBBKcB walk
    ISU#22 BKsFBKs strike out 2 out
    ISU#8 single RF
    Isu#29 BKsKsBKs strike out 3 out

    I was glad Olivia started this game. It appeared to me Miller was having a little crisis out there, but maybe it was me projecting.
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 2
  11. ufjaz

    ufjaz GC Legend

    Jan 3, 2010
    Sahuarita AZ
    Top of 2nd Inning:
    Cahalan HR LF 10-3
    Williams B pop up SS 1 out
    McLellan BKcKsBF single SS
    Brown BKc, McLellan stole 2B,B grounder LF line single
    Holtorf FKcFFFKc strike out 2 out
    I don't understand how Holtorf looks so lost in the box today, cause she's good - usually.
    Falby BFBBF grounder SS error 11-3
    Shumaker B, Falby stole 2B, KcBBKcB walk bases loaded
    Otis KcFB bloop single over 1B 13-3
    Erickson single RF 14-3
    Cahalan cue shot over 3B 16-3
    ISU#66 in to pitch
    Williams BKcBBB walk
    McLellan BKc, runner double steal, KcFFFFBKs strike out 3 out

    Bottom of 2nd Inning:
    CTW coaching up Miller
    ISU#10 BBBKc grounder P 1 out
    ISU#1 KsFBBFKs dropped strike out, out 1B 2 out
    ISU#23 FBKcB grounder 1B 3 out
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 2
  12. ufjaz

    ufjaz GC Legend

    Jan 3, 2010
    Sahuarita AZ
    Top of 3rd Inning:
    Brown KsBKcBBB walk
    Holtorf liner single LF
    Falby KcBBKcFB grounder SS error bases loaded
    Shumaker BKcB grounder 2B FC out at 2B 17-3
    Otis KcBB, Shumaker stole 2B, BB walk
    ISU coach called time out and ISU#66 left the diamond before anyone came out of the dugout!! She had enough!! ISU#71 in to pitch
    Erickson BBBKcKcF double off CF wall 19-3
    Cahalan F sac fly LF 20-3 2 out
    Williams BF(HR distance LF)F HR LCF 22-3
    Walsh BKc liner off P single
    Brown BB fly LF 3 out

    Bottom of 3rd Inning:
    Comia in to 2B
    ISU#12 BBFKcBFFF ground 3B error on throw goes to 2B
    ISU#25 ground SS 1 out
    ISU#24 grounder 3B, out at 1B 2 out, out at home 3 out

    Nice defense!
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 2
  13. LTG61

    LTG61 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 10, 2007
    I was there. Yes, she looked good. Delivery looked good (to me), control was good. I'd say velocity was in the low 60s; I had the impression she is capable of more. She got in a little trouble only once, and was able to come up with a strikeout when she needed it.

    In the game against GCU, Cahalan's grand slam was an absolute monster shot to RCF. There's a 40-45 screen above the entire outfield, and the flagpole is about 50' in RCF. The ball went right over the flagpole, clearing it by a LOT. Edit: I think Korbe's HR also cleared the screen, in LF.

    GCU's pitcher who gave UF trouble threw entirely off-speed, high-movement junk. She was also stepping OVER the rubber as she delivered. Natalie Lugo was sitting right in front of us and couldn't believe that it wasn't being called.
    • Informative Informative x 2
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  14. ufjaz

    ufjaz GC Legend

    Jan 3, 2010
    Sahuarita AZ
    Top of 4th Inning:
    Barnard B HR 23-3 I couldn't see who gave the wedgie
    Shaw BKc fly LF 1 out
    Shumaker B, towering fly at CF fence (220 ft) 2 out
    Lamar BBKcBKc grounder 1B 3 out

    Botton of 4th Inning:
    Brown in to pitch, not sure why. I thought Miller was settled in.
    Lamar LF,Barnard 2B,Comia SS,Shaw CF, Bellaire C
    ISU#16 KsBKcBFFBB walk pinch runner ISU#14
    ISU#8 BFKcKs strike out 1 out, ISU#14 stole 2B
    ISU#6 fly RF 2 out
    ISU#33 sinking liner to RF, great charge by Shumaker 3 out
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  15. ufjaz

    ufjaz GC Legend

    Jan 3, 2010
    Sahuarita AZ
    Top of 5th Inning:
    Erickson Kc liner RF line double
    Cahalan grounder 1B erickson to 3B 1 out
    Comia BBKc grounder up the middle CF single 24-3
    Walsh B(hi tight)BBB walk
    Bellaire BBBKc single LF bases loaded
    Barnard KcKsKc strike out 2 out
    Shaw KcFBFB grounder 3B 3 out

    Bottom of 5th inning:
    ISU#50 FFFFKs (nice change) 1 out
    ISU#23 single RF Shumaker almost thru her out at 1B
    ISU#12 Ks pop up 1B 2 out
    ISU#25 liner RF single
    ISU#24 Kc deep fly RF 3 out
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 2
  16. johnny_cakes

    johnny_cakes GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 2, 2017
    KSP Stadium
    Maybe it was where the mics were placed, but seemed like a lot of Gator chants/cheering. Since this is about as far away as you can get from KSP, it really goes to show the reach of our SB fanbase and that Gators travel well.

    You must be a hearty one -- the radio announcers were complaining that it was cold

    Interesting. I've only traveled throughout the SEC but am pretty much a stadium snob. Maybe a trip West next year is in order.

    THANKS for your posts -- next best thing to being there!
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 2
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  17. ufjaz

    ufjaz GC Legend

    Jan 3, 2010
    Sahuarita AZ
    Summary: I thought Liv was a little shakey in the first inning, but settled down. I didn't think she needed relieving, but what do I know. Ava seemed solid, unlike some previous appearances. I'd say a positive outing for both.

    This game was a smorgasbord of a circus - very enjoyable for a Gator. I kinda felt sorry for some of the ISU players, but it'll build character, right? They were 6-6 coming in so they musta had some highs too.

    After watching this whole weekend I think Keagan is better than last year - the clear #1. I know this was only one game for Red, but she exceeded my expectations. To me she will be #2. Ava's appearances were good. Definitely more stable than earlier. I would like to see her concentrate more on pitching and less on hitting. We need her to there for us. She's my #3. I think Liv needs more confidence, but hopefully on the right track. Kara has got stuff, but is a wild card with her control.

    I can't believe CTW followed my advice about giving these talented newcomers some opportunities. And they have produced! Gabi, Talor, McLellan, lovely. I remember preseason many were second guessing CTW getting Holtorf and Cahalan and keeping Mia in the line up. CTW is the man! My only concern is Walsh needs to get on track.

    This weekend was Xmas for me. The last time I saw them was about 4 or 5 years ago when they came to ASU. But this team is so special. I feel so lucky they came to Phoenix this year to witness in person. I loved it.

    Anyway I'm grateful I got a chance to reciprocate the PBP for those who provided Fall games. I hope some of you found these informative. Thanks MCB51 for talking me into it. I actually enjoyed it.
    • Winner Winner x 4
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    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  18. MCB51

    MCB51 Moderator VIP Member

    Nov 23, 2015
    And we appreciate your live pbp..you gave us extra extra information about our Gators..Thank you for your great contribution to our OGT...please continue to contribute to the discussion..you are a respected poster.
    • Winner Winner x 2
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  19. sweatinwith6

    sweatinwith6 Junior

    Jan 22, 2024
    I think Ava is getting set up to be in a closer type roll
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