I considered putting this in the pricing $oaring thread since wiping out chickens, beef, pigs, and other livestock will shoot up prices. Dead people aren’t the only risk from a spreading avian virus in the animal kingdom. Although already pointed out above it is possible for it to be a nasty human virus or a mild one. Regardless, firing the federal response team then begging them to come back is a huge mistake. Ive seen several scientists social media say they are going into private industry that pays more and even blood sucking profiteers treat employees better. Yikes.
Just had a physical in January where the doctor had a sick kid at home so was wearing a mask. Maybes she doesn’t read your posts? Another Q-crazy mask and viruses are fake and vaccines make you a magnet thread. Awesome.
Well there is absolutely zero science saying they should if you are meeting for a normal face to face visit.
No science says they needed to. But if it helped you. Good for them. Some need a little virtue signaling!
My doctor never wears a mask. My dentist wears a face shield and a mask. Can’t speak to weather or not my surgeon wore a mask since I was sleeping.
Yes, my doctor wears a mask, even now. During the pandemic, for a couple years, she wore a mask and face shield and required that everyone in her office, including patients in the waiting room, and all her staff, also wore masks ... because they are trained in medicine and science and know how viruses are spread.
Well during surgeries it 100% is, at a regular doctors office visit? I think that was more of a COVID thing. Most major hospitals have infection control specialists and certain wing of ICU have negative pressure rooms. Those people would often wear masks even before covid protocols just because that is the protocol for infection control in general - not just covid.
Actually, yes. The last doctor I saw was a dermatologist in October and both her and the tech wore masks. I think my kids’ pediatrician didn’t wear one, but my dentist and hygienist did. The doctors and nurses in the ER and the ENT my daughter saw in December for a broken nose all wore masks. I guess they were just for show to look more “medically.”
Clearly they have do not know what the science says on the subject then... But if they feel the need to wear one to this day it is there prerogative. It certainly does not help their credibility as a doctor.
LOL, when doctors graduate from med school they’ve probably learned more about the vaccine schedule than about the tenets of virology.
Science says n95 masks filter 95% of airborne particles that can carry viruses. What does your experience as a dentist office secretary tell you?
Dumbass dentist … “Could you open your mouth a little wider ? Oh, duh! Could you take your mask off ?”
Mask denial is off topic in this thread. There are a million threads you right-wing wackos can preach your non-scientific opinions on. This one is about the spreading virus H5N1 within the animal kingdom and our government's ill preparedness to address after firing (accidently/ignorantly?) the teams working on it.
Anti-mask is not ultimately political. Indeed, there are plenty of leftists, in my no virus camp, who understand there is nothing to mask for. Virology is pseudoscience.