Don’t forget to buy all the toilet paper and hand sanitizer that you can find PS. For those that want to believe anything from our media “health” experts; please let sanitizer dry before handling your toilet paper. Everyone else may carry on.
Oh, I thought you guys were attacking ACTUAL health experts... and scientists, and the scientific method, and truth. Glad to know you just meant the "media" health experts.
So you are saying it jumped from birds to mammals. I guess MAGA is safe then since they are cold blooded reptiles. Did we start inventing theories on which lab in Ukraine it leaked from yet?
Funny…someday on during Covid I was as Costco and they had a bottle of hand sanitizer so I bought it. It wasn’t the typical Costco size. Anyways, since I bought it, I’ve only used maybe 5% of it
Nah, this one started under Biden. When do we get the criticism of Biden for not handling it? I guess he was too busy handing out pardons. Posted in jest (sort of).
Been around since 1996 and from China....
It was only affecting birds under Biden, however in preparation in case the virus did make the jump from birds to people, the Biden administration allocated $306m to respond to public health threats from the bird flu. On cue Trump froze those funds so it’s now the Trump plague
Go ask a surgeon. You have no clue what you are talking about. Do you honestly think a doctor is wearing a mask as they discuss surgery face to face 3 feet apart? Please don’t keep digging and showing how ignorant you are on this!
That must be Trump’s plan to save Social Security, kill as many people who receive Social Security as possible.
Let me ask you. That last time you saw your doctor. Did they wear a mask as you met face to face? Maybe they did. But that would be odd. And same if you were admitted to a hospital and laying in your bed. Do a few doctors still do it? Maybe. But that is abnormal. Trying to compare a surgeon in surgery to everyday interactions including a doctor’s visit to the needing of a mask is really not even ignorant. It is just stupid imo.
Did your doctor pop a malaria bill, mainline horse dewormer, and shove a UV light up their ass? Just trying to keep abreast of all your scientific nolidge.
Don’t change the subject like that. You are the one who tried to equate masks in an operating room as the same thing as wearing masks for an airborne disease. The question is will you own the foolish statement and back off or keep digging?!
We need to find who is releasing these viruses. I'm sure it is possible that it's job security from a demonic mind. Perfect timing for another virus, and in California no less. I don't trust anyone from the Left.
I've actually had several experiences with doctors in the past few weeks. Some have worn masks in the office and some haven't.