What Putin might be counting on is an inability for the various NATO countries to work together in a cohesive way, and an unwillingness, when push comes to shove, to put their own children on the line to save another country. I agree, it is somewhat far-fetched for that timeline. Europe has been heavily dependent on the U.S. for defense for decades, and now a U.S. president is removing that sense of security. I could see Russia increasing its state-sponsored acts of malice against Europe's infrastructure, and then smuggling in terrorists with weapons like they did in eastern Ukraine.
The war started because Ukraine was killing its own people, the Russian-speakers From Moon of Alabama: The Bucha Provocation The Bucha 'Russian' atrocities propaganda onslaught may have worked well in the 'west' but it lacks evidence that Russia had anything to do with it. The former Indian ambassador M.K. Bhadrakumar calls it an outright fake: An indignant Moscow has angrily demanded a United Nations Security Council meeting on Monday over the allegations of atrocities by Russian troops in areas around Kiev through the past month. Prima facie, this allegation is fake news but it can mould misperceptions by the time it gets exposed as disinformation. A Tass report says: “The Russian Defense Ministry said on Sunday that the Russian Armed Forces had left Bucha, located in the Kiev region, on March 30, while “the evidence of crimes” emerged only four days later, after Ukrainian Security Service officers had arrived in the town. The ministry stressed that on March 31, the town’s Mayor Anatoly Fedoruk had confirmed in a video address that there were no Russian troops in Bucha. However, he did not say a word about civilians shot dead on the street with their hands tied behind their backs.” Even more surprising is that within minutes of the “breaking news”, western leaders — heads of state, foreign ministers, former politicians — popped up with statements duly kept ready and only based on the videos, seconds-long videos and a clutch of photos, ready to pour accusations. No expert opinion was sought, no forensic work was done, no opportunity given to the accused to be heard. https://www.moonofalabama.org/2022/04/the-bucha-provocation.html The timeline Mar 30 - Russian troops leave Bucha Mar 31 - Mayor of Bucha announces town 'has been "liberated," makes no mention of atrocities. Apr 1/2 - Azov Nazis enter Bucha April 3- Ukrainian Ministry of Defence publishes video of 'Russian' atrocities You and every Too Hot Democrat believed the lie that Russians committed the Bucha atrocities. Note none of the bodies showed any signs of decomposition. The Azov Nazis/Ukrainian security forces likely killed Russian-speakers who had gotten too friendly with Russian troops, according to the American journalist Gonzalo Lira, who was living in Kharkov. So the next time you call someone a "simp," remember the phrase "confession by projection."
No it is much,much more likely that the clowns in EU cuddle back up to Russia like Germany was doing before this. Russia would expand more in Ukraine and former Soviet territories first
I’ll read this when I get time but you are quoting TASS (Russian media) and expecting me to use this as a primary source.
I don’t typically partake in conspiracy theories but this one is too fun to pass up. Drumpf shall now be known as “Krasnov.” Donald Trump's Russian spy connection: Social media explodes with ‘evidence’ about #Krasnov. Is it just another wild conspiracy theory? - The Economic Times Alnur Mussayev: In 1987, I worked in the 6th Department of the KGB of the USSR in Moscow. The most important area of work of the 6th Department was the acquisition of spies and sources of information from among businessmen of capitalist countries. It was in that year that our Department recruited the 40-year-old businessman from the USA, Donald Trump, nicknamed "Krasnov".
Use whatever sources you want. You might ask why Russia demanded the UN investigate the Bucha massacre and why the US was opposed.
If Europeans really thought the Russians were a threat they'd be spending a lot more on their defense. Deep down nobody thinks Russia is going to invade Germany or Finland
You do know that you are one of the largest sources of misinformation on this thread, don't you? (Talk about lack of self-awareness . . . )
Now we know what he was trying to type on that fateful night at 3:00 a.m. when he typed "Covfeve". He was signing off with his Russian code name on the wrong platform, and he was confused enough to butcher the spelling. I have always wondered what it would be like to have a certified Russian spy elected as a U.S. president. Now we know. (Just kidding. I never dreamed in my wildest dreams that we would have a Russian spy as president. Didn't think that half of the electorate could possibly be that stupid. I admit I was wrong.)
"Who really betrayed Ukraine?" Here's Professor John Mearsheimer a decade ago warning America and Ukraine that they were going to start a war which would be devastating for Ukraine
Some very interesting intelligence, production, and battlefield performance information in this Kyiv Post story concerning the conference “Ukraine. Year 2025” Ukraine’s Top Military Leadership: We Are Starting to Win, Russia Is Starting to Lose
Good news for you chickenhawks … Canada is sending $5 billion in assets it stole from Russia to Ukraine to prolong the dying.
That's good news - the drone numbers are staggering - 85% of all kills? My goodness. I'd hate to be a soldier in the war that comes AFTER this one.
Now go ahead and put a value on the following things "stolen" from Ukraine by Russia: 1) A quarter of a million Ukrainian lives taken. 2) 100s of cities, towns, and villages destroyed. 3) the wanton rape, torture, and murder committed by Russian personnel. 4) the damage to the mental health and well-being of Ukrainians by Russia's unprovoked invasion. 5) all of the defensive military equipment, civil infrastructure, lost profits from business, materials and products stolen, and the cost to the nations supporting Ukraine's defense. That is, if you really want to go ahead and make such a silly assertion of who stole what from who, that is.
I think the point Ukraine is making is that it can continue and win if it is making 96% of its drones domestically, which are killing and destroying 86% of all Russian personnel and equipment. A pretty strong negotiation point if Russia really wants to continue its madness. And it will only get worse for Russia as time goes on.
The big problem is air defense for their cities. US provides critical military aid for anti missile systems. Europe can’t easily step in, if at all.
Sounds like Ukraine is already developing Patriot analogs. Ukraine always was the scientific brains and engineering expertise that, among other things, supported weapons development and production in the Soviet Union.